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Welcome to Newberries Primary School

Play Together, Learn Together, Achieve Together, Grow Together

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Statutory Information

Contact Details


Newberries Avenue
Herts WD7 7EL
Tel: 01923 857180
Headteachers: Ms N Peters
Mrs A Traxon


Please address all enquiries to:

Ms Shekho (School Business Manager) or Miss Corbett (School Admin Assistant) 


SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator): Mrs N Webster-Smith SENCO

If you wish to make contact with her please email the school office.



Behaviour Policy

Catch-Up Funding

The government has allocated funding to support catch-up initiatives following the
re-opening of schools.  The plan below provides information about where this money will be targeted and the intended impact.


This plan details how we intend to spend the Catch-Up Funding allocated to the school following the lost opportunities for school-based learning due to the pandemic. 

Charging & Remissions Policy

Complaints Procedure


Data Protection

We already highly value and protect all of our student, parents and staff data and will update or practices and procedures to keep up-to-date with current data protection regulations.
For further information about GDPR please visit the ICO website.


 We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to oversee the way the school handles data and ensure that requests for data are dealt with in accordance with GDPR.
Any subject access requests (SAR), Freedom of Information requests (FOI) and queries you have about the way in which your data is handled please contact our DPO.


Carole Connelly


Equality Objectives

Financial Information

Ofsted Reports

During our last inspection we were judged to be a Good school. We work hard to ensure high standards here at Newberries and are always looking at ways to further develop our practise through self-evaluation and by gaining invaluable stakeholder views.

    Performance Tables and Assessment Results

    Pupil Premium

    Newberries Primary School adopts a number of strategies and activities in raising attainment and progression of disadvantaged children. These include 1:1 learning support, peer to peer support, targeted group interventions and provision mapping for children eligible for free school meals. We regularly monitor the impact of such provision and tweak to ensure maximum rates of progress. An Inclusion Teacher and SENCo are also used effectively to create stronger links with families and to help remove barriers to learning and behaviour for vulnerable groups of children.

    Relationships Health and Sex Education

    Sports Premium Funding


    Values and Ethos

    Governor Information

    Paper Copies

    If you would like a paper copy of any of the documents above then please contact the school office, who will be happy to provide them.
