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Welcome to Newberries Primary School

Play Together, Learn Together, Achieve Together, Grow Together

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Friends of Newberries (FoNS)

The Friends of Newberries (FoNs) is an active organisation, run by parent volunteers, to raise additional funds for the school. 'The Friends' are intended to include the widest possible group of people who support the school in this way including parents, staff and governors as well as businesses from the local and wider community.


Each year a wide range of events are organised. Some also promote social opportunities either for pupils, parents or families. At times, funds are raised through sponsorship, sales or tickets for events.


The money raised by The Friends of Newberries is crucial to our school. The income this provides allows us to fund many additional resources which the school would not be able to sustain from its own budget.


These funds are used to support opportunities or buy resources which benefit all pupils and include:

  • Enrichment Activities e.g. workshops from external organisations to enrich the curriculum further 
  • Digital Subscriptions
  • ICT Resources
  • Playground Equipment


If you are interested in finding out more about the Friends of Newberries; volunteering; donating or supporting us as a local business, please email


