Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
Week Ending 13/09/2024
Welcome back to school Year 2! You have all started journey in Year 2 brilliantly! You have been doing some amazing writing, Maths and History work. I am looking forward to seeing all the amazing learning we do this year. This week we have started our first History topic: Movers and Shakers. We have been learning about significant people in history such as Neil Armstrong.
Blogs 2023-24
Week Ending 19/07/2024
As the final full week of school draws to a close, our Year 2 have wrapped up their incredible journey, we’ve concluded and completed all our topics finishing off a year of learning and growth. This week, the children prepared their books and projects for our special celebration evening, where we warmly welcomed parents to explore the classrooms and admire the achievements of their children. It was a wonderful afternoon, filled with reflection, celebration, and a sense of community as parents and pupils alike visited all classes in search of the answers on the school quiz.
Week Ending 12/07/2024
Another eventful and creative week for Year 2 as they have been busy experimenting with modelling clay and crafting beautiful flower sculptures to complete their still life projects. In Geography, we have been exploring the fascinating features of UK’s coastline, deepening our understanding of these unique landscapes.
A mixture of excitement and anticipation filled the class during our transition morning, the children met their teacher (Mr Muldowney) for next year. They were able to explore their new learning environment and play ice breaker games- the children cannot wait to be in Year 3 and the exciting new challenges it will bring.
To top off the week the pupils enjoyed a well-deserved reward with a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed afternoon, where they delighted in making their own chocolate rice crispy cakes.
Week Ending 28/06/2024
The end of another exhilarating week for our year 2 pupils! The highlight was undoubtedly the school sports day, where the children competed with enthusiasm and determination. Cheered on by their peers, teachers and parents it was a fantastic afternoon in the sun.
Alongside the excitement of sports day, our diligent Year 2s have been hard at work, successfully completing quizzes in Maths, reading and writing. The children completed the week by enjoying the opportunity to wear their own clothes for non-uniform day.
Week Ending 21/06/2024
With the arrival of the summer heat, our Year 2 are embracing the great outdoors and the exciting 30 days wild challenge. This week we planted wildflower seeds, eagerly awaiting the first shoots to sprout and bring bursts of colour to our classroom.
In Maths we have successfully completed our statistics topic, finishing with the skill of drawing and interpreting pictograms.
Our science journey takes a new turn as we begin our study of animal survival and lifecycles, uncovering the fascinating processes and environments which enable life.
Week Ending 14/06/2024
As we continue our exciting journey through the final half term, our year 2 pupils are diving into new, enriching topics. In Maths we have set off into the challenging yet fascinating subject of statistics, learning to interpret and present data in meaningful ways.
In English, a new adventure unfolds as we delve into the enchanting story of ‘How to catch a star’, exploring the key features of narratives and sparking our imaginations.
To wrap up a wonderful week, the children created beautiful Father’s Day cards, ready to bring smiles and joy to their Dads this weekend.
Week Ending 07/06/2024
Welcome back Year 2 to the final half term of a fantastic year! As we step into this exciting final stretch our classroom has been buzzing with hard work and accomplishments. We have finished our topic of telling the time mastering o’clock, half-past, quarter past and to.
In English, creativity flowed as the students created their own imaginative Monster Owner guides showcasing their writing skills using conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and adjectives.
Inspired by the warm weather and our recent science topic, we have created some stunning flower collages, filling the lesson with vibrant colours and the spirit of summer.
Week Ending 24/05/2024
As the summer term progresses, our year 2 learners are diving into new and exciting topics with enthusiasm. In mathematics, we have begun our exploration of time, focusing on reading o’clock, half-past, quarter to and quarter past.
In Science, the wonders of germination have captured our attention as we study the process of seeds sprouting into plants. Our hands on experiment watering seeds in clear plastic cups has provided a front row seat to observe this transformation.
Week Ending 10/05/2024
As the warmth of summer begins to envelop our school, our Y2 are soaking in the sunshine and embracing the challenge of a new week after enjoying an extended weekend. In English, their writing skills continue to flourish as they further explore conjunctions, explanation texts and writing their own explanations of how processes work. Within Maths, the focus on fractions continues, improving their recognition and understanding of different fractions using numbers and practical examples.
In time for the weather, we begin our new topic in Science, exploring the fascinating world of Plant Survival, observing the growth and changes that plants undergo with each passing season.
Week Ending 26/04/2024
We recap on the end of another creative week as our year 2 have investigated deeper into the world of fractions and unleashed their artistic talents in Design & Technology!
With a focus on quarters and thirds, the children have been mastering the art of dividing wholes in to equal parts, building their confidence and skills with fractions.
In Design & Technology the conclusion of our “Cut, Stitch Join” project has been nothing short of extraordinary with each pupil showcasing their unique design and completing their stitching with precision.
Well done on another week full of achievement!
Week Ending 19/04/2024
Welcome back, Year 2, to the bright and sunny start to the Summer Term! We hope you had a restful and joy filled Easter holiday. As we embark on this new term of learning and discovery we dive in to creative and exciting topics to fuel our curiosity. In mathematics we are exploring fractions, investigating the challenges of parts and wholes. Meanwhile in English, our focus has been shifted to explanation as we learn to share our knowledge with clarity and accuracy. Within our topic of Design and Technology the buzz of creativity will be in the air as we kick off our “Cut, Stitch Join” project, turning ideas in to reality.
Week Ending 22/03/2024
A memorable week for our year 2 as they continue to investigate the Easter story with a trip to Christ Church. Guided by Reverend Ollie and his team of helpful volunteers, the children took part in a tour of the church, exploring its features and traditions. A standout moment for the pupils was the opportunity to ring the bells in the tower. From hand bell ringing to an engaging question and answer session the morning was filled with discovery.
Throughout it all our pupils displayed exemplary behaviour, showcasing their polite manners, enthusiastic curiosity and inquisitive nature. They truly represented our school brilliantly, leaving a great impression with their thoughtful questions and positive attitudes.
Week Ending 15/03/2024
It has been a very exciting week for year 2, celebrating British Science Week and spreading laughter for Red Nose Day! From exciting experiments to charitable endeavours, our classroom has been abuzz with energy and enthusiasm. In our English lessons we have continued to explore poetry, investigating descriptive language and painting pictures with words. In maths we have begun the topic of Mass, Capacity and Temperature, using scales and discussing key vocabulary.
Week Ending 08/03/2024
What a magical week it has been for our year 2, we have immersed ourselves in the enchanting world of books for World Book Day!
We have celebrated the joy of reading through adventures and activities, in English we have been inspired by the tale of ‘The Girl and the Dinosaur’ exploring deep into our imaginations to create descriptions of dream islands and our mystical spirit animals, to write our very own poems.
On Thursday the classroom was filled with a colourful array of costumes, each one showcasing a love for reading!
Week Ending 01/03/2024
Welcome Back, Year 2, to the second half of our Spring Term!
This week, our attention has been fixed on the upcoming highlight – our class assembly scheduled for Friday morning. With great enthusiasm, we have been preparing and rehearsing to showcase all of the incredible learning experiences we have enjoyed so far this year. From a royal school trip to Winsor Castle to captivating Big Writes in English, a deep exploration of the natural world through Science and Geography. Our assembly promises to be a celebration of our collective growth and achievements!
Week Ending 16/02/2024
As we wrap up the final week before a well-deserved half term break, Year 2 can be very proud of their accomplishments! With their Non-chronological reports on Sharks now complete, the pupils have been full of excitement to showcase their newfound skills in researching and writing.
The journey through times tables will continue into the new half term with each lesson adding another layer of mathematical understanding. A huge well done to Year 2 this half term, let's recharge our batteries and look forward to more learning when we return refreshed!
Week Ending 26/01/2024
Week three and our Year 2 are diving deep into language and numbers!
Homophones are this week’s focus, as we unravel the mysteries of words that sound the same but have different meanings. The adventure continues with an oceanic adventure, plunging into non-fiction texts about sharks, sparking curiosity and waves of questions. Meanwhile in Maths we are identifying groups of numbers, the foundation for our multiplication journey. The Year 2 have enjoyed an awesome week of learning and discovery.
Week Ending 19/01/2024
Week two and our Year 2 have roared into success!
The children have settled into the groove of work, showcasing their creativity in English with beautifully crafted expanded noun phrases. In the world of computing, they have not only conquered their Bee-Bots but have become skilled in programming and de-bugging using ScratchJr.
An excellent week of learning and achievement let’s keep this momentum going!
Week Ending 12/01/2024
Welcome back, Year 2 Superstars!
The spring term is here and our classrooms are buzzing with excitement for another fantastic learning adventure. In our English we have dived into resolutions and goal setting discovering New Year traditions around the globe and in Maths, identifying and sorting coins and notes in our topic of money.
Our classroom is all set with cleared boards ready to display your great work and an excellent Zones of regulation board, a colourful guide to emotional well-being ready to start the term with enthusiasm and positivity.
Week Ending 08/12/2023
We have had a very exciting week in Year 2! In addition to our usual learning, we learned about Save The Children Christmas Jumper Day. We found out how wearing our Christmas jumpers to school (or our grown ups wearing their Christmas jumpers to work) helps to raise money for the Save The Children charity, which helps children around the world. We decorated place mats with Christmas jumper designs ready for our school Christmas dinner on Friday. We loved wearing our jumpers- don’t we all look great?
We have also been practising enthusiastically for our concert on Monday and cannot wait to perform for you all then!
Week Ending 01/12/2023
It was a pleasure to take the class to Windsor Castle yesterday, where we explored The Castle grounds, St George's Chapel and The State Apartments - Historic rooms as well as a workshop, which taught us about Windsor Castle's defences.
We all also queued to pay our respects to the Late Queen Elizabeth II, which was one of our favourite parts because of how:
"...beautiful the stain glass windows are in the chapel." (Eric)
"...amazing the flags are in here." (Rocco)
"...peaceful and quiet it is." (Ariana)
"...gigantic the organ is." (William)
Year 2 had a fantastic day and showed excitement, curiosity as well as respect and were in awe of the experience with Ralph summing the day up by saying, "No wonder our topic is Magnificent Monarchs, because this is magnificent!"
Week Ending 24/11/2023
This week in Year 2, we have started our new topic in R.E. which is Christmas. We began by learning about Advent. We learned about the Advent wreath and the significance of the different coloured candles and what they represent. We have also been busy practising our Christmas songs for our concert and also the Newberries Winter Fayre tomorrow. It’s all very exciting!
Week Ending 17/11/2023
Year 2 have worked very hard this week. In maths, we have moved onto learning about shape and in English, we have been writing fantastic poems. We have extended our knowledge of shapes by exploring Rangoli patterns linking this to our understanding of Diwali! During our Diwali learning we discussed why Diwali is important and how it is celebrated. We made paper lamps to take home with the message “ During the festival of lights, may the glow of lamps provide you sparkles of joy and happiness!“ to spread the message that light defeats darkness.
Week Ending 10/11/2023
This week in Year 2, we have been busy writing our own poems about the seasons and colours. We have also started our new science topic on Uses of Materials. We have been investigating the different properties of materials and how they can be shaped. Today for Remembrance Day, we enjoyed doing various activities including making poppies and writing poppy poems.
Week Ending 3/11/2023
This week in Year 2, we have started our new poetry unit in English. We have been looking at different types of poems such as shape poems, rhyme poems and list poems. We have also started writing our own list poems about the different months of the year. We wrote our poems in small groups and performed them in front of the class using expression.
Week Ending 12/10/2023
Year 2 have been superstars this week. We have been building our 'Growth Mindset' by exploring 'The Power of Yet!'. Sanna summed this up really well by explaining "It's when you realise that you can't do it now, but will be able to do it later by practising or being patient. For example, you might not reach the monkey bars yet, but if you are patient and wait to grow, then you will!" Alongside this, we have been introduced building our independence through exploring number bonds to 100 by representing numbers using concrete resources as well as writing our own Acrostic poem 'All About Me.'
Week Ending 22/09/2023
We have been very busy this week in Year 2. We have enjoyed learning humorous songs and practising writing using capital letters and full stops. In maths, we have been focussing on place value recognising how to partition numbers and represent these numbers in a variety of ways. We have all worked extremely hard! In addition, we have been deciding whether a monarchy should have absolute power or limited power. Some of us have decided that having a parliament helps strengthen a King or Queens power because it is good to have more than one person decide if a law if good or not.
Week Ending 22/09/2023
This week in Year 2 we have been working on our science topic Understanding Human Need. We have been learning about the human life cycle and all the things that humans need to keep safe and healthy. We have looked at nutrition, hydration, sleep and exercise and how important they all are.
Week Ending 15/09/2023
This week in Year 2 we have been working on our new Traditional Tales topic in English. We have read Rapunzel and discussed how the illustrations and text form our opinions of the characters. We wrote character descriptions challenging ourselves to use a range of adjectives to describe appearance and character. We then sequenced the main events to retell the story. Next week we will write our own stories using a similar style.
Week Ending 08/09/2023
Welcome back to school Year 2! We have been really impressed with how Year 2 have settled into their new classroom. They have worked really hard on all the challenges this week, including writing about what they want to be when they grow up, and are looking forward to learning more about our curriculum topics next week. Well done Year 2 - a fabulous start to the school year!
Blogs 2022-23
Week Ending 14/07/2023
It has been a wonderful week full of anticipation, excitement, resilience and celebration, as we draw closer to the end of the year. Year 2 finished their amazing narratives that were written in a similar style to Ruby's worry. They focussed on the theme of bravery and overcoming fear. On Tuesday and Thursday this week Year 2 were very excited to take part in their transition mornings as they ventured into Year 3. The children loved getting to know their new teaching team and getting a flavour for their new Year 3 environment. On Wednesday we had our Celebration Afternoon where our children were bursting with pride and joy to share their learning with their loved ones. What a fabulous way for the children to end their last full week in Year 2!
Week Ending 07/07/2023
This week in Year 2 we have been learning all about volume and capacity in Maths. The children have enjoyed estimating, measuring, problem solving and making comparisons when completing capacity challenges. In English, Year 2 have finished their book study on 'Ruby's Worry' and they are now writing a story in a similar style about bravery. The children have spent time mapping out their story ideas on a plan, and they are taking their time to write each section of their narrative. We are most looking forward to reading their finished stories soon. Well done to all our clever mathematicians and wonderful writers!
Week Ending 30/06/2023
The highlight of this week was definitely our Sports Day on Monday! Year 2 displayed great sportsmanship and sportswomanship as they focussed on joining in, trying their personal best, having fun and encouraging each other. It was lovely to see the enthusiasm from the children and their combined effort in making the day such a success! Well done to all our sporting stars!
Week Ending 23/06/2023
This week we have been exploring homophones in English, comparing explorers in History and getting ready for Sports Day in P.E. We have particularly enjoyed our Maths topic, statistics, and conducted our own investigation survey. This included organising the data to put into a tally chart and then plotting the information into a block graph. The children also analysed their results by coming up with comparative questions to pose and answer. Another highlight this week was participating with great vigour in the Samba Drumming workshop and the children wrote a recount to document the exciting event!
Week Ending 16/06/2023
This week Year 2 have continued learning about their new History topic, 'Movers and Shakers', which is all about significant individuals. Year 2 have completed a lot of group and pair challenges, such as reading, organising and critiquing significant individuals impact on society. The children were very excited to meet our special visitor, who attended Newberries in 1975. Year 2 were keen to compose lots of fascinating questions and were very interested to hear the differences and similarities to school like back in the 70s to now.
Week Ending 09/06/2023
Year 2 has had a jam-packed and exciting first week back to term. All children demonstrated impeccable behaviour on our school trip to Christ Church and were amazing Newberries role-models. We were most impressed at how well Year 2 listened to Reverend Ollie and participated courteously in the activities, such as ringing the bell in the bell tower. The prepared questions Year 2 asked Reverend Ollie were incredibly thoughtful and we enjoyed hearing the response to each question. Year 2 were keen to observe Reverend Ollie role-play (with an impromptu soft toy) how he would typically baptise a baby. Well done Year 2 for being patient, curious and interactive during our trip! We really did have such a marvellous time.
Week Ending 26/05/2023
We could not be prouder of our AMAZING Year 2 Super SATS Stars!! Each and every one of our Year 2 children have put in a tremendous amount of effort into preparing for their SATs and we are so impressed with their commitment to try their personal best. It was important to celebrate at the end of each SATs quiz with our ‘Snazzy SATs Snack’ and we thank you for contributions that went towards making snack time a little bit more special this week! Also, this week the children listened to a couple of non-fiction and fiction stories all about plastic pollution and how this impacts our sea creatures and their ocean home. The children worked meticulously with a success criteria to ensure they wrote a well-structured narrative about plastic pollution. Well done to all our remarkable writers and their great perseverance this week!
Week Ending 19/05/2023
This week Year 2 have been working incredibly hard! The children have been practising their word reading and comprehension skills, alongside applying their knowledge and understanding in Maths. In English this week we have been working together to create a poem about the seasons. The children worked in groups to create a poster of cut out images, words and pictures to inspire ideas for writing. The children took part in a share-write session, where we thought showered ideas for writing. This allowed children to learn from each other, particularly in relation to how we can up-level our writing. Well done for all your amazing effort this week Year 2!
Week Ending 12/05/2023
Last week Year 2 throughly enjoyed their Coronation Day, which was jam-packed full of fun and fancy activities. Some of these activities including leaf and flower printing onto a crown to become bunting for the Coronation Courtyard. The children used red and blue paint on a white crown template. They thoughtfully arranged their crown designs to create either a symmetrical pattern or a more sporadic print exploration. Year 2 were overflowing with enthusiasm to work in groups to design, create and decorate royal accessories and coronation themed objects for our junk modelling collaborative project! In the afternoon we had our own Coronation Day re-enactment, waving to 'King Charles III and Queen Camilla' from the top of the castle, singing songs and making archways to walk through in our royal procession. Well done to all involved!
Week Ending 28/04/2023
Year 2 have been continuing to explore time so that they can tell the time to the hour, half hour, quarter past, quarter to and to any five minute interval for minutes past or to the hour. You may like to regularly ask your child what the is on an analogue clock so that they can continue to practise this important skill. In English, we have been continuing to use contractions in our writing. The children enjoyed writing a persuasive advertisement for the perfect friend using an assortment of contractions as well as adventurous adjectives and expanded noun phrases. To end the week we were lucky enough to take part in the special Athlete Workshop and listen to a motivational speech by Adrian Patrick. Well done Year 2 on having such a splendid week!
Week Ending 21/04/2023
This week Year 2 have really been enjoying their science topic, learning all about materials. The children have been classifying materials, describing properties and testing materials. We conducted our own experiment, and together as a class, we devised our own scientific enquiry to find out from a selection of bags, which is the most absorbent. The children recorded their predictions and particularly enjoyed testing out the method, which was to pour 500ml of water over a bag and measure how much water was left in the bowl after 2 minutes. Year 2 were thrilled and fascinated to discover the end result. Well done to all our amazing scientists!
Week Ending 31/03/2023
Year 2 have had a very busy last week of term! We have really enjoyed composing our own free verse poems, based on 'Into the Blue' by Hilda Offen. The children thought carefully about synonyms for key words in the poem; this helped them to adapt the original poem in order to create one of their own. The children incorporated extended noun phrases and similes into their poem to help paint a detailed picture about the theme of the poem. Well done for working hard this term Year 2! We hope you have a joyous Spring break!
Week Ending 24/03/2023
We have had a very creative and artistic week! We have been captivated by the artist Yayoi Kusama and her style of art. We designed and created paper plate flowers in the style of Yayoi Kusama with bright colours and dots being the core feature! In English we have been practising performing poems by T.S. Eliot and annotating his poems to pinpoint where to place emphasis on particular words to read when performing. Well done to all our artists and performers in Year 2!
Week Ending 17/03/2023
Year 2 have really enjoyed British Science Week and all the creative activities they chose to explore. We had a very interesting and interactive live webinar learning about how tractors are connected to space. You might like to ask your child why, and how this is so! The children were immersed in activities such as creating a paper bird, designing and constructing a tractor map (avoiding potential obstacles and hazards), designing and constructing bridges and tunnels and also an innovative vehicle. Well done to all our sublime scientists!
Week Ending 10/03/2023
This week we have been super creative as we have been exploring our new topic in art called 'Flower Head'. We have been experimenting with shape, texture, form and pattern when participating in a variety of activities using block paint, clay, observational drawing and collage to create different effects. Well done to all our amazing artists!
Week Ending 03/03/2023
This week we have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book week as well as our dress-up as your favourite book character for World Book Day! The children were fascinated and engaged reading our whole- school text, 'The Barnabus Project' and completing activities such as creating an escape route and creating a storyboard to show character growth. The children had a great time interviewing each other as played 'hot seat' and other role play games. Well done for your many efforts in bringing your favourite book character to life and celebrating Literacy for all to enjoy.
Week Ending 24/02/2023
This week in Music we have, to much excitement, started a new instrumental unit using glockenspiels. The children were so enthusiastic and worked collaboratively with their partner to help each other with understanding the rhythm, tempo and beat of the songs we were playing. As part of our music theory we learnt where E and D are on the glockenspiel and on a musical stave, as well as what a minim is and how to stop a suspended note when having to pause at a minim rest. Well done to all our marvellous maestros!
Week Ending 10/02/2023
Well done Year 2 for our assembly today! We are so proud of you all.
This week we have been curiously investigating a rainforest habitat and looking at where rainforests are located on a map of the world. We have taken notes from non-fiction sources to help us write two styles of poems about rainforests. We also used musical instruments to help us discuss and describe how a rainforest might sound. For example, the maracas depicted the sound of tricking water. We developed a list of useful words to attach to each of our five senses. The children came up with some sensational sense poems about the rainforest, as well as using their rain forest facts to help them write an acrostic poem. Well done on a truly superb effort Year 2!
Week Ending 03/02/2023
Today Year 2 have really enjoyed taking part in Number Day! We had to complete a number of challenges which included drawing around our foot, cutting it out then carefully measuring as many items as we could. We also had a go at writing some 'secret sums' where each solution to a problem was a letter which then spelt out a message- we had fun creating some of these for ourselves and Year 1 to solve! We also used our knowledge of multiples to create different shapes. Great work Year 2!
Week Ending 27/01/2023
In Year 2 we have continued our work in geometry and learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have been classifying 3D shapes and carefully counting the faces, edges and vertices of 3D shapes. We have also been looking at how we can sort and find patterns with shapes, using spatial reasoning. The children have enjoyed creating 2D and 3D shape riddles to provide clues about their properties so that their classmates could guess their shapes.
Week Ending 20/01/2023
This week Year 2 have worked collaboratively in pairs to find non-fiction features in a library book. We have been collecting key information from class text, 'Sharks', and learning how to note-take when reading paragraphs of information.
In Science we have continued our work on 'Habitats' and have looked closely at how we can classify animals in regards to their diet. We have also looked at how animals adapt to their environment, such as camouflage. Well done for working hard Year 2!
Week Ending 13/01/2023
Year 2 have settled back into the Spring Term with lots of enthusiasm and have enjoyed sharing their wishes for 2023! This week we have introduced our new English topic, which is all about non-fiction texts and we will develop our knowledge and skills to be able to write a non-chronological report by the end of the topic. To support our fact finding investigations we are learning about habitats and animals in Science this term. The children have enjoyed some woodland walks in our grounds to observe local habitats. We look forward to more investigations next week!
Week Ending 16/12/2022
What a fun and festive week it has been in Year 2! We started off the week with a pantomime trip to see 'A Christmas Tale' at Chickenshed. Year 2 had such an enjoyable time and were keen to tell me their review of the show once we were back at school. We have been finishing our narrative writing this week and have been working on editing it to make it even better, using a purple polishing pen for self-corrections. The children have had fun exploring the snow and worked together effectively to play games and create mini snow people. We finished the week with two performances of 'Jingle All the Way' and I'm sure you would agree with me that they did an absolutely sensational job singing and dancing! Well done Year 2!
Week Ending 09/12/2022
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Year 2, as we prepare for our KS1 Christmas/winter performance 'Jingle all the way!'. Year 2 started the week by writing letters to Father Christmas to share with him how we have shown kindness, our school value of the month, and a short list of Christmas wishes too! We sent the letters off by Royal Mail post to Santa's grotto and we are looking forward to receiving a response before the end of term.
In English, Year 2 have been creating story maps to organise their ideas to create a narrative about a magic door leading them to a Christmas surprise. The children's ideas have been highly creative and we cannot wait to start using our plans to begin writing our Christmas narratives.
Week Ending 02/12/2022
On Friday 26th November Year 2 went on their enrichment trip to Windsor Castle! We set off in the sunshine and enjoyed a marvellous workshop entitled 'All about Castles'. In this workshop the children learned about the different parts of the castle, why castles were important and how to protect them when under siege. The children were absolutely fascinated by all the new information they had learnt from the workshop and when walking around Windsor Castle after lunch, our Year 2 historians were enthusiastic to spot where they could see arrow loops and battlements (terminology they had learnt from the workshop!). Well done to each and everyone of our Year 2 super stars for having such a successful school trip and for listening and behaving impeccably throughout the day.
Week Ending 25/11/2022
Year 2 have been thoroughly enjoying their gymnastics lessons in P.E. The children have been practising many ways to execute a roll such as forward rolls, backward rolls, holey rolls, teddy bear rolls and pencil rolls. I wonder when you look at the photos you can spot which roll they are doing? In readiness for our Windsor Castle trip, Year 2 have been researching six significant British monarchs and have been fascinated with what they have learnt! Keep your eyes peeled for next week's blog where we will be sharing our learning and photos from this fantastic trip. Well done Year 2 - you have been wonderful!
Week Ending 18/11/2022
Today, as part of Anti-Bullying week, Year 2 took part in an Anti-Bullying workshop. We earned all our invisible gold stars and we are now recognised as amazing anti-bullying ambassadors! To mark Children in Need Year 2 practised their colour mixing of primary colours to create secondary colours when printing with Lego and Duplo. The children enjoyed a very colourful and dotty afternoon!
Week Ending 11/11/2022
Year 2 were incredibly excited and eager to join in with our science challenge for World Science Day on Thursday. The challenge was to plan, design and make the longest paper chain possible using only one sheet of A4 paper. The children worked colloboratively with partners and were thrilled with the results once we measured all the paper chains against each other and Miss D! We congratulated Evie M and Isabelle M who managed to create the longest paper chain. Well done to all our scientists in Year 2!
Year 2 displayed thoughtful learning behaviours today when learning about Remembrance day. They created a beautiful poppy wreath and were able to explain the importance and significance of the day. Great work Year 2!
Week Ending 04/11/2022
Year 2 have settled back into the second half of term with great enthusiasm for their learning! We have been exploring storytelling and story acting as part of our new English unit. We have been discussing how we can best structure a story and how to effectively use adjectives to describe characters, settings and special objects. The children have enjoyed creating spoken stories in groups as well as bringing their stories to life through story acting. Amazing first week back Year 2- You are all super stars!
Week Ending 21/10/2022
This week Year 2 have really enjoyed reading recipes and becoming sandwich artists! The children recognised the importance of following a recipe when making playdough and slime, as we evaluated why we might have had more of a sticky or drier end result!
I think we may have several future Masterchef contestants, as we transformed into sandwich artists during Design and Technology. The children were enthusiastic to design and decorate a healthy funny face sandwich. The results definitely looked both delicious and nutritious. Well done Year 2!
Week Ending 14/10/2022
This week Year 2 have been exploring how we use instructions. We have been learning about the use of imperative verbs and in pairs we designed our own imperative verb game boards. In light of the Spooky Ball, the children also created posters to advertise (using who, what, when and where questioning) for the upcoming special event!
Week Ending 7/10/2022
In Maths we have been investigating how many sunflower seeds we could extract from the head of a sunflower. We used an efficient method of counting and the total amount of seeds from the head was...760! In English we have been posing and writing questions for our special visitors and were fascinated with the answers to our questions.
Blogs 2021-22
Week Ending 8/7/2022
In English we have been looking at the book ‘Coming to England’ as part of the story a girl and her family move over from Trinidad as part of the Windrush generation. We have been researching about Trinidad and written a setting secription of the Caribbean island.
Week Ending 1/7/2022
For our science project we have been looking at habitats and microhabitats. We took a tour around the school grounds, looking to see what creatures lay in the dark, damp microhabitat under logs and stones. We created a tally and drew a graph to represent our data as well as thinking about how the habitat provide air and water to the creatures beneath.
Week Ending 24/6/2022
This week we were lucky enough to get to go on our school trip to Mountfitchet Castle in Stastead. It is a Norman Motte and Bailey Castle owned by Baron Mountfitchet. We had a wonderful time and learnt lots of gruesome facts and about different punishments from the time of William the Conqueror. The class were an absolute pleasure and a credit to the school. Thank you to the parent helpers that came but also to also the helper that volunteered and to help make the trip happen.
Week Ending 17/6/2022
In maths we have been investigating the temperature. We measure different sites in the school using thermometers and compared them using a table and presented out data in a bar chart. We then compared the temperatures from Thursday and Friday, not surprisingly we found out the Friday was hotter.
Week Ending 10/6/2022
In maths this week we have been learning about measures and mass. We have compared weights in both grams and kilograms, first using balancing scales and then using digital scales to find out our own mass and used this information to create our own mass mathematical problems.
Week Ending 26/5/2022
This week, although shorter, has been equally as enjoyable for the children. We have worked hard on creating our own version of our English text, ‘The last stop on Market Street’ about a boy and his nana who find beauty and wonder in the mundane and the ordinary. We thought about our journey to school and used powerful verbs and expanded noun phrases to turn it into an exciting adventure which we called ‘The last stop of Newberries Avenue’. We have also spent time completing activities for the Queen’s jubilee, we had a great time creating some union flag hearts and other art as well as taking part in lots of different activities after our jubilee picnic, not to mention learning the national anthem, God save the Queen!
Enjoy your half term.
Week Ending 20/5/2022
We have really been enjoying our recent history topic, we have had lots of in depth discussion about the life of King Henry VIII. We have been learning about some of his wives and what caused him to have so any marriages. We looked at different events in his life and decided if they have a positive or negative impact on the country.
Week Ending 6/5/2022
This week in English we have been reading the book ’Last stop on Market Street’ by Matt De La Pena. We have been learning about powerful verbs and adverbs. We listened to a piece of atmospheric music and used our senses to create a short poem to paint a vivid picture.
Week Ending 29/4/2022
This week in art, Mrs Lynch and the class were looking at historical portraits of some famous monarchs. They studied their poses and their clothing to see what clues they gave about their character. The class then created their own self-portraits with different symbols to show information about their character. Can you work out who this is?
Week Ending 22/4/2022
In maths we have been learning about the different 2d and 3d shapes. We have identified different features of the shapes; including the number of sides and vertices. We investigated different shapes that we could make using only 10 pencils.
Week Ending 1/4/2022
This week we have been finishing off our learning about non-fiction texts. We have been studying sharks for a while and completed some book studies and our own research about them. We then applied some of our computing skills to publish our work. We are all really proud of our work
Week Ending 11/3/2022
This week we have been completing a science experiment about Mr Mellor and his stretchy socks. We measured the socks before and after they were stretched and calculated the total stretch (using our subtraction skills). Using this data we plotted graphs and discussed what we found out.
Week Ending 4/3/2022
To help celebrate world book day we had a whole day of events and activities, including a webinar with the author Axel Schaffler. We discussed the importance of reading and shared stories about our favourite character as well as a fancy dress competition. Here are some insights of what reading is to us…
Week Ending 25/2/2022
This week we have been revisiting our learning about the zones of regulations. We have been learning about emotions and emotional vocabulary to empower them to be able to better communicate their feelings.
Week Ending 11/2/2022
This week we have been learning to read analogue clock faces. We started by reading clocks to 15 minutes, moving on to moving to intervals of 5 minutes and being able to draw hands on the clock face
Week Ending 4/2/2022
This half term in Art, Year 2 have been learning about the artist Henri Rousseau. We learned that although Rousseau is famous for his paintings of jungle scenes, he never actually left his home in France to visit the jungle. He visited local parks and botanical gardens to observe the plants and copied these in his paintings.
Inspired by this, we practiced using our senses of sight and touch to create our own observational drawings of leaves. We each had a leaf to draw and had to examine all the detail very carefully to recreate the leaf in our sketchbooks using only pencil. We learned that we needed to take our time and keep our pencil marks ‘light until we got it right’! We surprised ourselves at how detailed and realistic our drawings turn out.
Week Ending 28/1/2022
In maths we have been learning about different measures. We have learnt about lengths, comparing ourselves to the world’s tallest man, Sultan Kosen. We measured how tall we are and then calculated the difference between our height and his height. Did you know that if Rita stood on top of Olivia they are still not as tall as him? We have been comparing different weights of objects in the classroom using the inequality signs (< and >), it turns out that Mr Mellor is the heaviest member of the class…Finally we have been learning about capacity, we used containers of different capacities to compare, order and calculate their capacities.
Week Ending 21/1/2022
This week we have continued to learn about the world and its continents. We have used our computing skills to research about the different continents; finding out about their population, size and the number of countries in each continient. We then collated the information into our own mini booklets.
Week Ending 14/1/2022
In maths we have been learning about money, we have learnt different ways to make the same amount as well as calculating totals, differences and working out change. We created price tags for different items around the class and added them together and used coins to make the amounts.
Week Ending 10/12/2021
As you know we have been leaning about different materials in science. We have looked at what are suitable materials to use for different purpose and we have completed a selection of ‘Silly inventions’ including a Chocolate Tea Pot, A Brick Cushion and a Jelly House.
Week Ending 3/12/2021
Our current English topic is poetry. This week we have been reading, interpreting and performing different poems. We have discussed what we like and dislike about different poems and have discovered that the poems that have rhythm are more fun to read, we especially enjoyed ‘Flutter, Flutter Little Bat’ by Leanne Guenther and ‘At the Zoo’ by William Makepeace Thackeray.
Week Ending 26/11/2021
This week in science, we moved onto our new topic of materials! We sorted the materials into different categories based on their properties. We discussed their different characteristics, like elasticity and flexibility and collated them into a table. Next time, we will be performing some simple test to explore the properties of each material as well as finding out how they are suitable for their intended purpose!
Week Ending 19/11/2021
Following on with the exploration of colour topic in art, year 2 have been learning about the artist Paul Klee. Klee used abstract shapes and colour tints to express his feelings in his paintings. The children experimented with mixing their own colour tints, by adding different amounts of white paint to a base colour such as red or blue. They then used their tints to create a painting in the style of Klee’s painting ‘Separation in the Evening’. The challenging part was adding just a little more white each time so that the colour became paler as the painting progressed. The children enjoyed mixing their tints, and exploring the range of shades they could produce from just using one colour and white paint.
Week Ending 12/11/2021
This week in computing we have been learning how to take the perfect picture. We have been discussing the subject and the positioning of the shot and how to make sure that the picture is not too blurry. We have come up with a set of rules to follow to take the perfect picture.
Week Ending 17/09/2021
This week we have enjoyed finishing off the story of journey and created some wonderful lanterns that carry our hopes for the future in. We have also been working hard on improving our agility, aim and throwing skills in P.E. and started studying the life of Christopher Columbus in topic.
Week Ending 10/09/2021
This week we have been settling into life in Year 2. We have enjoyed looking at the story ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker, we have discussed the feelings of the character and how they change in the story and have used conjunctions to write about it.