Remote Learning
Remote Learning is available for pupils who are well enough to learn, but are unable to attend school due to self-isolating, quarantining or in the event of a school closure due to Covid-19.
Remote Learning is planned and set by class teachers via Google Classroom following The National Curriculum.
The type of Remote Learning being offered will depend on why your child is not in school. Reasons for children not attending school may be due to one of the following stages:
Stage 1: Individual Pupils Isolating or Quarantining
Stage 2: Bubble Closure (10 days isolation for a whole cohort)
Stage 3: Local Closure / National Lockdown
During Stage 1, Remote Learning will be available for children 24 hours after school has received notice of a child being absent from school. Within Stages 2 and 3, Remote Learning will be available for children from 6pm, the evening prior to the day that the work has been set for.
Depending on the stage, your child will receive Remote Learning which will:
- provide learning for ALL pupils in their class in the form of a PowerPoint of activities
- include a suggested weekly timetable, to support parents and children in keeping to a routine each day
- provide a variety of activities planned for Reception children, an average of 3 hours for KS1 children or 4 hours of learning for children in KS2
- set learning every day in phonics/spelling, English, Maths (this can be topic based or cross-curricular), as well as an additional daily reading activity
- include learning in Foundation subjects (some of these will be blocked)
- include weekly PSHE and PE lessons as well as, for KS2, a French lesson
- include purple boxes to provide additional opportunities to extend your child’s learning further
- provide differentiated activities where appropriate
- encourage the use of online learning platforms E.G. Bug Club, Purple Mash, Times Table Rock Stars
- provide daily pre-recorded video explanations, where relevant, on the Remote Learning PowerPoint slides
- provide a timetabled opportunity, once a week, for social interaction between teacher and peers via Google Meets
- allow work to be submitted via photographs, videos, or Google Docs (that have been typed or created using a computer) for teachers to see
- will use Google Classroom class and private streams for teachers to feedback on children’s learning
- support the enforcement of E-safety
We ask that parents:
- ensure that the work submitted to teachers is a true reflection of their child’s ability
- support and encourage their children to use Google Classroom independently, especially for children in Years 3 to 6
- ensure work has been submitted, for their teacher to see via Google Classroom before 5pm each day, if they want to receive same day feedback
- support the enforcement of The Pupil/Parent E-safety Agreement
- support their child during the Google Meet session and follow the rules and guidance
As a school, we cannot reiterate enough how much we know, understand and appreciate the pressure on parents to support Remote Learning (possibly of multiple children); manage work commitments and balance the needs and well-being of themselves and their families.
We have worked hard to ensure that our resources can be used flexibly and therefore we encourage you to:
- complete the activities that you can, at a time convenient to your circumstances
- contact you’re the school in the ways outlined below so that we can offer support and guidance
- A pupil can contact their class teacher via their private Google Classroom stream
- A parent can the school’s office via Please be assured that a relevant member of staff will be in touch as soon as possible.