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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Week Ending 06/12/2024


This week, we have been learning how to multiply and divide. We have learned how to make equal groups and created a multiplication sums to represent the groups. We have also looked at dividing using grouping and sharing. We showed different grouping and sharing sums using small cubes. Finally, we have looked at multiples of three and how to use drawings and bar models to help us calculate.

Week Ending 29/11/2024


This week, we have learning about coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and why we use them. We have also started looking at prepositions and what they are. To help understand prepositions we worked in pairs with some preposition cards and a cut out of the mouse from ‘The Lion inside’. We then placed the mouse in different places using the preposition cards.

Week Ending 15/11/2024


This week, we have started a new topic about fables. We have learned that fables are stories with a moral meaning and are used to teach people how to act and behave. We have looked at two fable stories so far; ‘The Lion Inside’ and ‘The Koala who Could’. We then discussed their moral meaning and chose one to retell. To help with retelling, we created a storyboard.

Week Ending 08/11/2024


This week, we have finished our art topic by creating a colour composition. The colour composition was made using the same colours as another painting. We used templates to create shapes on our paper. Then, we painted a background; next, we painted the shapes. Finally, we added detail to the insides of our shapes.

Week Ending 18/10/2024


This week we have started our art topic ‘contrast and complement’. We began by practising mixing watercolours to make new colours then labelled these next to the brush strokes we were making. We also started and finished our autumnal art display work. We created owls using paper plates. We painted these using autumnal watercolours then added details to it.

Week Ending 11/10/2024


This week in History, we have been learning about the fall of the Bronze Age and what might have caused it. We learned that it could have been caused by natural disasters, climate change or by a rebellion. We then decided which one we thought was the most plausible. At the end of the week, we learned how the Iron Age started with the Celts and what changes happened in Britain because of this.

Week Ending 04/10/2024


This week in Maths, we have been estimating where numbers would be on a number line, comparing numbers to 1000 and also ordering numbers. We also practised using place value with maths games. One game we played was the exchange game where we had to work in threes and use base 10 blocks. We rolled dice and added ones equal to the dice value. We kept doing this until we got to 10 or more ones. Then we exchanged this for a ten. We repeated until we got to 50. We tried a few times to lower our time.

Week Ending 27/09/2024


This week in English, we have looked at verbs to describe how the main character travels in the story. We found out how to change past tense verbs into present tense verbs and how to include them in sentences to describe the main character's travels in the beginning of the book. Some of us even used adverbs to describe the movements further and adjectives to describe the places. At the end of the week, we looked at the dangers the main character will face and identified any they could see.

Week Ending 20/09/2024


This week in year 3, we have been working on place value in maths. We have looked at number lines to 100, hundreds and partitioning. We have also looked at how to represent numbers to 1000 in different ways such using pictures or base 10. We have finished this week by flexibly partitioning numbers to 1000 which means to split a number up in a different way to hundreds, tens and ones.

Week Ending 13/09/2024


This week in year 3, we have first been looking at recounts and summarising information from news reports. We then moved on to our main English topic which is narrative writing using the book ‘Mini Rabbit – Not Lost’ by John Bond. We have looked at the main character Mini Rabbit and how to describe him. We will then move onto rewriting the first pages.

Week Ending 12/07/2024


This week in Year 3 we had our transition morning of meeting our new class teacher. The children completed an all about me jumper worksheet for the first display in their brand new classroom as Year 4. The children had a brilliant time and got to know their new teacher even more. Well done Year 3! You have been fantastic.

Week Ending 05/07/2024


This week in Year 3 the children have been doing their first copy of a mosaic design. The children loved making a design and creating it. Next week, they will be recreating the design out of proper mosaic tiles. The children are all super excited to see what their final piece will look like.

Week Ending 21/06/2024


This week we have started a new topic in Art. We have begun looking at Mosaics. We have looked at different pictures of Mosaics and discussed the different characteristics each picture has. The children were amazing with sharing their thoughts and ideas. They are super excited to create their own mosaic for the topic. Well done with another hot week.

Week Ending 14/06/2024


This week we had our school trip to the Verulamium Museum and Park. The children had 

such an amazing day. During the morning, the children took part in a Market workshop where they dressed up like Romans recreating a Market Forum. The children had to go around with their shopping lists to buy their food and clothes. When we were in the park, the children walked to the Roman Wall and the Hypocaust. The children were amazed by the mosaics on the floor of the Hypocaust. Brilliant week and you represented Newberries amazingly. I am super proud of you all.

Week Ending 07/06/2024


This week in Year 3 we have had a very busy week back after half term. We have continued our topic of ‘Emperors and Empires’ in History. This week, we have looked at what a Roman town looks like and the inventions that the Romans brought over to Britannia, such as the roads. We have also completed our Class Assembly this week. You all did amazingly and should be so proud of all your achievements. Another brilliant week to the start of our last term in year 3.

Week Ending 10/05/2024


This week in English, we have been looking at a new topic: ‘Report writing’. The children have been looking at the book 'Race Cars' where we have been discussing how to create a news report. The children have been working in groups coming up with interview questions and practising how to say it. Another brilliant week with the warm weather. Well done!

Week Ending 26/04/2024


This week we celebrated Earth Day which was on Monday 22nd April. Earth Day this year is all about Plastics vs Planet. The children did an activity organising what bin the rubbish should go into. They also wrote a few sentences about how they can help protect our planet. We also started a new topic in English, recounts, we have looked at the book The Bear and the Piano. The children have been writing paragraphs as the Bear saying if they should go into the city or stay in the forest.

Week Ending 19/04/2024


This week, the children have loved finding out more about magnets and forces. In science this week we looked at different types of magnets, such as: bar magnets and horseshoe magnets. We even looked at the magnetic field that can be created by using iron filings over the top of a piece of paper with a bar magnet underneath. This allowed us to see where the strongest magnetic force was. 

Week Ending 22/03/2024


This week Year 3 performed their amazing play, ‘Hoodwinked’. The children worked so hard and they did absolutely amazingly in all three of their performances. You are all true actors and should be really proud of yourselves. We have also begun looking at a new topic in science called ‘Forces and Magnets’. Well done this week and keep it up.

Week Ending 15/03/2024


This week has been science week. The children watched an interactive science lesson which they learnt about different bugs, invertebrates and vertebrates. As they were learning about this the children had to work together to crack the code in the time given. This week they also did a challenge of seeing which group could make the longest paper chain in 20 minutes. They were only given 1 piece of A4 paper to complete the paper chains. The children have loved this week have done brilliantly as always.

Week Ending 08/03/2024


This week was World Book Week. The children have loved reading our new book this week called ‘The Girl and The Dinosaur’. This week the children have made up their own spirit animal and imaginary land to take their special spirit animal with them and all of their friends. The children have embraced their creativity and imagination this week. All of your costumes were fabulous.

Week Ending 01/03/2024

This week in Year 3, we have been working hard in all of our subjects. In maths they have been learning how to write column multiplication; they have been multiplying  a 2 digit number by a 1 digit. The children have shown some brilliant mathematical skills this week.

Week Ending 16/02/2024


This week in Year 3, we have been working hard in all of our subjects. They have particularly enjoyed PE this term as they have been learning the skills and technique of how to play hockey. They have been learning how to stop a fast ball, a push pass, tackling the ball, and score a goal on target. This week they have managed to put all of the skills and technique they have learnt into mini matches, it was such a joy to watch. Well done this half term Year 3! 

Week Ending 02/02/2024


This week in Year 3, we have been continuing on with looking at our Art topic ‘People and Places’ . We have explored the artist LS Lowry. He was famous for his drawings and paintings of the industrial urban landscapes of Manchester. In his paintings he painted figures called ‘Matchstick Men’. The children have looked at the painting called ‘Going to Work’ and recreated that painting.



Week Ending 12/01/2024


This week in Year 3, we have started many new topics for the start of a new term! This Friday afternoon, we designed and shared different jokes linking to our class-reading book which were wonderful and extremely fun to read! You have worked extremely hard this week; keep it up!

Week Ending 24/11/2023


This week in Year 3, we have been looking at our new Art topic ‘Contrast and Complement’. During this topic so far we have been exploring different colours and looking at what are warm and cool colours; as well as complementary and analogous colours. The children have been enjoying this new topic and exploring with paint.

This week the children have also been producing some brilliant persuasive speeches in English to persuade the ‘Fat King’ to give the ‘Lion King’ some food. This is linked to the book War and Peas.

Additionally, they have also had the pleasure of playing the amazing games that Year 6 have made for the Christmas fair. They have all enjoyed the games and they are looking forward to the festive weekend celebrations.

Week Ending 10/11/2023


This week in Year 3, we have continued with our Science topic, ‘Animal Nutrition and Skeletal system’. We have been looking at different animal skeletal types and what animals eat. We have learnt that an endoskeleton has the skeleton in the inside of its body and an exoskeleton has the skeleton on the outside of its body. We have also learnt what is a Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore. This week they made animal posters, putting all of the information they have learnt so far about our science topic in them.


Week Ending 03/11/2023


This week in Year 3, we have started our Science topic, ‘Animal Nutrition and Skeletal system’. We began by investigating and looking at what foods would have the most fat or grease. We looked at six different types of food: a brownie, salted crisps, gingerbread men, lemon Madeleine, sweets, and pretzels. The salt crisps had the most fat. The children have loved starting to learn more about the topic and have shared some amazing ideas on the carpet during class discussion.

Week Ending 13/10/2023


This week in Year 3, we have started looking at a new book in English called ‘The Bog Baby’. The children have coming up with some amazing predictions about what they think might happen in the book. They have also been writing some amazing adjectives about the Bog Baby and using their Inference skills to help them.

Week Ending 06/10/2023


This week in Year 3, we have begun celebrating Black History Month. This week we have researched and found out more information about Mary Seacole. Mary Seacole was an amazing nurse who helped look after the wounded soldiers in the Crimean War. She was also the first black British woman to have had wrote and published a book in 1857. The children have created posters all about who she is and what amazing things she did, such as opening the British Hotel hospital. 

Week Ending 29/09/2023


This week in Year 3, we have been looking at what qualities we need to have in our ideal classroom and school. Thinking about the ways people show their emotions and feelings and how we can regulate our emotions by using our Zones of regulation tool kit. One of the activities we did this week in PSHE was drawing our ‘nightmare school’ and comparing it to our ‘dream school’ .

Week Ending 22/09/2023


This week in Year 3, we have been continuing on our topic ‘Through the ages’.  We all became archaeologists and had a look at a case study about the Cheddar man. We were gathering information and deciding if we thought the evidence was reliable or not. The children learnt that the Cheddar Man was from the Mesolithic period and showed that during the Stone Age period some people from Europe may have migrated from Africa even then, thousands of years ago.  

Week Ending 15/09/2023


This week in Year 3, we have begun our topic ‘Through the ages’.  We have started to look at the Stone Age and the three time periods which are the Palaeolithic period, Mesolithic period and Neolithic period. We have looked at information and been sorting them out into the correct time period. So far we have done the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. Well done again this week. Keep up all of the hard work.

Week Ending 08/09/2023


Welcome back after a lovely summer Year 3. You have started off amazingly and have been producing some excellent work despite the very hot start to the year. I am looking forward to see more of your brilliant work throughout Year 3. Well done! Keep it up!

Week Ending 14/07/2023


This week we had our transition sessions of moving up to year 4. The children met all of their new teachers in their classroom who will be with them from September. They completed the following activities: transition booklet, Year 4 art book cover, hands of trust, and a new display of cartoon self-portraits. They also seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed it especially getting to choose their new theme of their book corner!

Week Ending 07/07/2023


This week in Year 3, the children have been showing amazing collaboration skills and team work as, during their break and lunch times, they have decided as year group to build a fantastic bug hotel! Their creativity amazes me each and every day. The way they have discussed their ideas have been truly lovely to hear and they have been giving teachers a tour of their bug hotel.

Week Ending 30/06/2023


This week in Year 3,  we have started our new topic of ‘Plant Reproduction’.  We have been looking at the job the leaves do and what the stems' main functions are. We have also discussed what is photosynthesis and why the process is vital for plants. We have been carrying out an investigation with celery sticks; one celery stick is in blue dye and the other is in water to see in which one we would be able to see the plant vessels more.

Week Ending 23/06/2023


This week in Year 3, we had an amazing and inspirational samba workshop. The children absolutely loved learning about the culture behind samba and learning how to play the drums. They were all super engaged and so fascinated by the person who was leading the workshop. They learned that samba is played in Brazil.  They also learned that as long as you have the beat you can turn it into any song.

Week Ending 16/06/2023


This week in Year 3, we went on our amazing school trip to Verulamium Park and Museum, finding out all about the Romans and how the Romans lived in the town of Verulamium. The children absolutely loved it and enjoyed our self-guided tour. They loved finding out about the hypocaust. We learned that ‘hypo’ means below and ‘caust’ means heat. We also had a picnic in the park. When we arrived at the museum we did an artefact workshop, where we looked at artefacts which were from 2000 years ago. It was such an amazing experience.

Week Ending 09/06/2023


This week in Year 3, we have started our new topic in Maths: time. We have been using clocks to show the time and understand the idea of o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to.  We have also done some lessons for the first time this year outside due to the lovely weather.  The children have shown great perseverance through a tricky topic and have learnt a lot about an analogue clock. Let’s keep up the good work.

Week Ending 19/05/2023


This week in Year 3, we have been writing a travel brochure. In English, we have been studying the book ‘Atlas of Adventures’ and flying around the world visiting all of the amazing countries and cities. The children had to pick one country that they found the most interesting and write a travel brochure all about it. The children had 6 sections to write about these were: Things to do, location, what will you find?, foods to try, what to bring?, and Top tips/ Did you know facts. They have been amazing to read!

Week Ending 12/05/2023


Last week, on Friday 5th May, as a school we were celebrating the King’s coronation. In Year 3, we created bunting of the Great Britain Flag and in English we wrote about: if I were a King or Queen what we would do to help our world? We looked at the royal family's family tree, we created a timeline of all of the Kings and Queens of England. In the afternoon, the children made amazing crowns from junk modelling and some ‘God save the King’ posters. The children had such a lovely day celebrating the King. At the beginning of this week the children also planted their plants in the Royal garden.

Week Ending 28/04/2023


This week in Year 3, we have been started our new text, Atlas of Adventure, in English. We have been imagining that we are flying to different countries and cities around the world and exploring interesting facts about these places. So far, we have visited Finland, London and Paris.  We created our own passports and ‘stamp’ them with a picture and an interesting fact after each ‘visit’. Here are some example of our passport stamps.

Week Ending 21/04/2023


In Year 3 this week, we have started our new topic on The Romans. We began by exploring different Roman artefacts such as helmets, shackles and gold coins and what they were used for. We are excited to discover more next week. Here is some examples of our work.


Week Ending 24/03/2023


This week, in Year 3 we have been learning about forces in science. We have learned about contact forces and magnetic forces. We particularly enjoyed experimenting with magnets and discovering how and why they work.

Year 3 have also been practising enthusiastically for the Years 3 and 4 production next week. We are excited to perform in front of a ‘real’ audience next week and look forward to showcasing our hard work!


Week Ending 17/03/2023


This week in Year 3, we have had a fun packed week of lots of enrichment days. This week, we have been celebrating Science Week, Red Nose Day and Neurodiversity Week. The children have loved making their aeroplanes, finding out the importance of why we celebrate Red Nose Day and finding out what Neurodiversity Week is about. Neurodiversity is about understanding that everyone is special and unique, the contributions on the carpet in the discussions were amazing to hear. As part of the activity, they drew a picture of themselves then wrote three sentences about what they are good at. They were so lovely to hear!

Week Ending 10/03/2023


This week in Year 3, we printed out an ammonite on a tile. The children really enjoyed it and found it very therapeutic. We definitely have lots of aspiring artists after the art lesson! The skills they had to use were tracing, learning how to use a roller and carving. What another amazing week keep it up!

Week Ending 03/03/2023


This week in Year 3, it has been world book week. The children have loved all of the fun activities linked to the book ‘The Barnabus Project’. I have enjoyed watching their imaginative ideas and creativity this week. All of your costumes have been amazing to see and all super unique!

Week Ending 24/02/2023


Welcome back from half term; I hope you have all had an amazing holiday. This week in Year 3, we have started our new RE topic of Lent. In our first lesson, we learnt all about the importance of Shrove Tuesday. As an activity, we made pancake batter and the children have all bought home some of the mixture to fry and flip it. Brilliant start back, well done this week. Keep it up!

Week Ending 10/02/2023


This week, the children have completed their topic of Rocks, Relics and Rumbles. To end the topic, they have completed a double page spread about what they have learnt throughout all of their lessons. They have used their knowledge organisers, word mats and working walls to help find all the extra information. They all look amazing year 3. Well done!

Week Ending 03/02/2023


This week in Year 3, we have continued to practice our groovy gymnastics routines using the apparatus. The children have enjoyed every minute of creating their own routines in small groups. They have also performed it to each other and peer assessed their performances, giving one target and one thing they loved. Throughout, I have loved watching the children work as team and collaborate to come up with some fantastic routines, they are all unique. Next week, they are going to be performing it for the final time to another adult to show what they have been learning. Keep it up Year 3s!

Week Ending 27/01/2023


This week in PSHE, we have been doing activities to help us understand our emotional literacy for when we are in one of the zones. We have been discussing how it is important to not just understand how we are feeling to help us learn, but also how others are feeling so we can help them get back into the green zone. The children enjoyed completing the three activities pictured below and I have said to them they are more than welcome to teach these activities to family and friends.

Week Ending 20/01/2023


This week in Year 3, in PE we have been doing ‘Groovy Gymnastics’. We have been looking at different types of jumps, balances and leaps. We have also used the gymnastics equipment. The children loved it! All of the children have been put into small groups and have begun to plan a sequence to perform a gymnastics routine. Next week the children will be practising and then performing it during our PE lessons.

Week Ending 13/01/2023


Happy New Year! I have enjoyed seeing everyone back ready to learn after a well-deserved and restful Christmas break. This week in Year 3, we have started our new topic in English which is looking at ‘Traditional Tales’. We have begun reading a book called ‘The Paper Bag Princess’. To start our topic we have been having discussions about what would we find in a traditional tale and the children wrote their own recipes for what they would find. Keep up the amazing work, well done!

Week Ending 16/12/2022


This week in Year 3, we have been enjoying our time out in the snow. As a whole class we decided to make a new member of the class - ‘Dotty the snowdog’. The collaboration and teamwork was amazing to observe. The children had loads of fun and had huge smiles when playing in the snow this week.

Week Ending 09/12/2022


As the end of term is slowly approaching, I have really noticed a huge amount of perseverance and resilience shown by everyone with their work and always showing me that they are in the green zone. Therefore as a treat this week, we had a special visitor that came to hear our end of the day story book. DOTTY!

Week Ending 02/12/2022


This week in Year 3, we went on our amazing school trip to Pizza Express. I hope you have all enjoyed the pizzas! The children made their own pizzas tossing the dough into the air and seeing it be done one of the professionals. This trip was a focus on our D and T topic ‘Cook well, Eat well’. We also were quizzed on how to make pizza dough and what ingredients go into a dough.

Week Ending 25/11/2022


This week, we have been enjoying doing some winter activities in preparation for the ‘Winter Fair’ on Saturday. One of the amazing activities is that we were given the opportunity to go into the hall and have a go at the Year 6 winter games on Friday! They all had lots of fun and it was lovely to see all of their big smiles persevering through all the activities. I hope they all enjoy their little treats!

Week Ending 18/11/2022


This week the children have had a fully packed enrichment week, celebrating ‘Anti-Bullying’ week and ‘Children In Need’. In PSHE we have been touching on why we celebrate anti-bullying which was then followed up with an amazing workshop at the end of the week. All the children loved it! For ‘Children In Need’ the children made book marks and money boxes and it was so lovely to see them all dressed in their spotty clothes.

Week Ending 11/11/2022


This week we have been learning about the importance of Remembrance Day and we have been learning a song in preparation for an assembly this Friday. We have also had lots of open carpet discussion for them to share their questions and ask more about what it is.

Week Ending 04/11/2022


This week in PSHE, Year 3 have been learning about celebrating differences. We have been discussing that everyone has differences and everyone is unique. As a task, the children completed a portrait of themselves and then wrote sentences about what makes them different.

Week Ending 21/10/2022


This week, we did our art Project for the whole school ‘Through the ages’ topic. We did ours on Pixar movies (2000s). The Pixar movie we chose was ‘The Incredibles’. The children drew a portrait of themselves with a super power to join the Incredibles team.

Week Ending 14/10/2022

It was Mental Health Week this week and to celebrate our differences, we all had the opportunity to come to school dressed in something yellow. It was so lovely to see so many of the children clad in their different yellow attires to mark the occasion! 

Week Ending 7/10/2022


This term, in Year 3, we have been studying different fables. The main story we have looked at to help us develop our knowledge of fables is ‘War and Peas’ by Michael Foreman. The children put on their ‘Rich King’ heads and wrote a persuasive speech to persuade the Lion King to give some food to his country after the battle. Alongside with these amazing speeches they also produced Persuasive posters. Well done year 3, what a brilliant start to the term and year. Keep it up. 

Blogs 2021-22

Week Ending 15/7/2022


This week we have started our Computing topic on algorithms.  We followed an algorithm to draw a house on Google Draw.  We had to be careful though, as the algorithm had mistakes in which we had to find.  We then rewrote the algorithm correctly.


Then we looked at decomposition which is breaking an algorithm down into steps, which is what machines do to perform a function.  To practise this we made up clapping rhythms and recorded each stage so that it would make a sequence.


Then we used Scratch to make an animation of the Owl and the Pussy Cat poem. We learned how to add characters (Sprites), sounds and when we wanted to move the animation.


Still image for this video

Week Ending 8/7/2022


Wow! What a fantastic way to end our Romans topic. Derek came into school today to lead a Roman workshop.  


We were reminded of the history of the Romans and were able to show off what we have spent this term learning.  We were then given swords and shields and pretended to be Roman soldiers. We succeeded in scaring Mrs Silverstone, Miss Lane and Mrs Clark.  Derek also showed us the tortoise shell formation.  After this we were able to handle Roman weapons and wear Roman helmets.


After lunch we handled Roman artefacts and tried to guess what they were used for.  We saw a bottom wiper, a slave manacle, teeth cleaners and a wax and wooden writing tablet. Next, we played a game where we had to guess what foods were eaten by Romans.  We were surprised to find out that Cheesecake was eaten by Romans but pasta wasn’t!

Week Ending 1/7/2022


In Music this week we used Yumu to compose a piece of music to the songs we have been singing this year.  As you can see from the pictures we used musical notation and rhythms.  I will attachtheir yumu passwords to google classroom if they want to do more of this over the weekend.

Week Ending 24/6/2022


On Tuesday we celebrated World Music Day which is a celebration of music around the world.  To celebrate this we spent the whole day partaking in music related activities.


In English we learnt about the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and wrote a fact file about his life.  Whilst we were doing this we listened to some of his music.  In Maths we added notes of different values together and played a rhythm game.  In Geography we listened to different music from around the world and tried to guess which country the music was from.  As an art activity, we listened to Bachianas brasileiras No.2, a composer called Villa-Lobos and drew a picture of what it represented to us. We ended the day by having our first whole school singing assembly in 3 years!


We had a lovely day celebrating music.

Week Ending 17/6/2022


We have started our topic on Shapes.  This week we have been learning about the different types of turns - clockwise, anticlockwise, ¼ turns, ½ turns, ¾ turns and whole turns.  We made the most of the lovely weather by going outside and in pairs gave each other instructions on how to turn.


We have also been learning about right angles and angles that are bigger and smaller than right angles.  Again we made the most of the lovely weather by going outside to find right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles in our environment.  We also used sticks to make these angles.

Week Ending 10/6/2022


This week we have finished our topic on Time.  We have been comparing durations, working out start and end times and using time to solve word problems.  We also measured time in seconds.  We went outside and timed ourselves doing different activities.

Week Ending 26/5/2022


This week we have been learning lots about the Queen and the rest of the Royal Family to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  


As part of this we have made Union Jack heart shaped bunting, where we wrapped wool around a heart shaped piece of card.   


On Thursday we had a fun day of Jubilee activities.  In the morning we made a college using pictures to do with London, inside the queen head.  We then made a sun catcher.

Week Ending 20/5/2022


This week in Maths we have moved on to our Time topic.  We recapped o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.  We have been answering questions to do with Months of the Year and hours in the day.  Then we moved on to telling the time to the 5 minutes and 1 minute.

Week Ending 13/5/2022


In English this week we finished our work on The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane.   


We followed instructions to make a natural dye just like Brother Theophane does in the story.


First we cut up some strawberries and then we mashed them with the back of a spoon until we had enough to fill up one cup.  Next we added two cups of water to the mashed strawberries and heated them up until the mixture became thick.  When that had cooled down we strained the mixture to drain the juice and leave the lumps.  Then we wet the pieces of fabric.  After that, we soaked pieces of fabric in the dye overnight.  Finally we hung the fabric out to dry.


Week Ending 6/5/2022


In Music we have been learning our song Bringing Us Together.  We have been playing chimebars along to it and learning to sing and sign the song.  


At the end of the unit I will video their performance so you can see what they have done.

Week Ending 29/4/2022


In Maths we have been carrying on learning about fractions.  This week we have been putting fractions on number lines and finding fractions of sets of objects.  


One of our activities to support this was to draw chalk number lines on the playground in chalk and write fractions on it in the right places.

Week Ending 22/4/2022


In English we have started our new book called The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane which is a lovely story about a young monk who defied the discipline of the monastery and found his own way to express the beauty of the world.


This week we looked closely at the beautiful illustrations of the book and made notes about what we could see.  We also looked closely at the language used, looked up the meanings of unknown words and made a glossary.

Week Ending 1/4/2022


As part of our Stone Age topic we made Neolithic houses in D&T.  We used clay to make cuboids to make the base of the house.  Then we pushed in 4 sticks to make a pyramid shape and tied them together with string.

Week Ending 25/3/2022


We had a visit from Bubbleworks who led a Science workshop for us.  We learned about gravity and lifted table tennis balls with a hair dryer.  We caught bubbles, made and let off small rockets and went into a bubble.  It was so much fun.

Week Ending 18/3/2022


We have had a busy Science this week.  Our Science topic is Light and Shadow.  For this we have been looking at light sources and investigating materials that reflect light.  We also did an experiment to understand the terms Opaque, translucent and transparent and then we made a shadow puppet to look at shadows.


It has also been Science week this week.  For this we did an eggcellent eggsperiment.  We put two raw eggs in bowls and one egg was submerged in water and one egg in vinegar.  Straight away we noticed bubbles surrounding the egg in vinegar which was the acid reacting with the egg shell.  After a few days the egg shell had been disolved by the vinegar.  We noticed that the egg still had its membrane around it which was stopping the yolk coming out.  We also noticed that the egg had got bigger.  The children now know that this happened because of a process called Osmosis, as the water from the vinegar had travelled through the semi- permeable membrane.

Week Ending 11/3/2022


As part of our Stone Age topic we made Neolithic houses in D&T.  We used clay to make cuboids to make the base of the house.  Then we pushed in 4 sticks to make a pyramid shape and tied them together with string.


Week Ending 4/3/2022


This week we celebrated World Book Day and it was lovely to see everyone dressed up.  We spent the whole day taking part in various book based activities.


We were shown the front cover of a book and then we thought about what it could be about and wrote a blurb for it.  We drew a front cover for a book either by copying one from the classroom or one we had at home.


After play we were very lucky because we had the illustrator Axel Scheffler give us a live webinar.  He drew some pictures for us and read us three stories.


In the afternoon, we decorated potatoes as a book character.

Week Ending 25/2/2022


On Tuesday this week we celebrated Twosday as the date was 22.2.22.  In English we wrote rhyming couplets.  Each group was given a cut up version of a poem called My Shadow and the children worked together to write a new poem.  In Maths we did activities based on the number 2.

Week Ending 11/2/2022


In P.E we have been doing Gymnastics.  We worked in groups to practice a routine and then performed it to music to the rest of the class.


Enjoy the video of one group performing their routine.

Gymnastics routine

Week Ending 4/2/2022


As part of our Mountains and Volcanoes topic, in Art we have been looking at mountains. We talked about pictures from artists using art language and did a sketch drawing of Mount Snowdon.


During our last two Art lessons we made a Collograph print of Mount Snowdon. Collagraphy is a really versatile printing process in which a textured plate is inked up and put through a press.


Here is an example of what we did.



Week Ending 28/1/2022


In P.H.S.E we have been working in groups to design a garden for someone with challenges.  For example, people in wheelchairs, people who haven’t go a garden, people who are blind and people who have to stay in hospital.


We each had a role in the group – a team leader, budgeter, landscaper and events planner.  


We thought carefully about who we wanted to design the garden for then drew a design of the garden thinking carefully about keeping in a budget.  Today we then thought about designing an opening event for our garden.

Week Ending 21/1/2022

In English we are reading The Finger Eater by Dick King Smith.  Today we did some work preparing us to rewrite one of the chapters.

We worked in groups to sequence Godrun’s plan.



Week Ending 14/1/2022

In P.S.H.E we have started our new topic Dreams and Goals. In this topic we will be thinking about our dreams and goals. We have already looked at the obstacles that could stop us from achieving our goals and dreams and how we can overcome them. We will go on to talking about how we need to break down our goals into manageable steps.


This week we thought about the dreams and goals that we have and wrote them on petals of a flower.



Week Ending 10/12/2021


In English this week, we carried on with our book called Atlas of Adventures. This week we looked at some festivals around the world. 


We found out about Feria Del Caballo (horse parade in Spain), a hot air balloon in Cananda, Rio Carnival in Brazil, a Lantern Festival in China and Holi Festival in India.  


In groups we made notes on one of these festivals. We then wrote scripts, allocated parts and then recorded the broadcasts. Enjoy listening to one of them.

Week Ending 3/12/2021


In English this week, we have started our new English unit with a book called Atlas of Adventures. We will follow one boy and one girl as they travel to over 30 destinations and discover hundreds of things to spot and facts to learn on every page. As we read this book, we will be working on our English skills ending this unit by writing a leaflet.


This week we started this unit by going on an aeroplane to our first destination Finland.  Here we used a thesaurus to find synonyms for spectacular and we used a range of conjunctions to extend sentences to give more information.



Week Ending 26/11/2021

As part of our Stone Age topic we made Neolithic houses in D&T. We used clay to make cuboids to make the base of the house. Then we pushed in 4 sticks to make a pyramid shape and tied them together with string.



Week Ending 19/11/2021


We have had another busyweek this week.


This week was Inter Faith Week which is an opportunity to bring people with different beliefs closer together. It is a chance to learn about one another and build positive relationships. To mark this Year 3 made logos that represent the different religions.


We also marked Anti-bullying week which is a way of raising awareness about bullying. It is a week during which we learn about bullying and how to deal with it. This week the theme was one kind word.  We were very lucky because Victoria came in to lead an anti-bullying workshop for us.


On Friday we marked Children in Need by joining in with Joe Wick’s live Children in Need workshop, we did some Maths where we had to work out the answers to some questions using addition and subtraction and we did a Children in Need acrostic poem.

Week Ending 12/11/2021


We have been busy this week.


We commemorated Rememberance day by colouring the poppies you can see on the school gate and we did a Rememberance Day watercolour painting.


Mrs Ghadia also taught us about Diwali.  We heard the story of Rama and Sita and Mrs Ghadia told us how she celebrated it.  She also brought in some of her Saris and other Diwali artefacts.


In D&T we continued our Stone Age topic by making Mesolithic houses.

Week Ending 24/09/2021

In conjunction with our topic of The Stone age we have been looking at cave paintings and what was used to create them. We found out that people in the Stone Age used natural materials to create paint. Today in Art we mixed blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and turmeric with water and painted on to a sheet of paper.



Week Ending 17/09/2021

This week we took part in Jeans of Genes day. Jeans for Genes is a charity that is set up to raise money to help children who have a genetic condition. We went to school in jeans, Mrs Traxon led a virtual assembly about it and in class we watched a video about the impact of children who have a genetic condition. We also watched a video about genes and how someone can get a genetic disorder. We then designed some jeans.

Week Ending 10/09/2021


Welcome Year 3!


Year 3 have had a lovely start of the term and have settled well into routines and new expectations.  Highlights this week have been starting our topic The Stone Age, which the children are really enjoying. We have also enjoyed doing some drama as part of one of our English lessons.


At the beginning of the term, we all coloured part of a picture to make this big picture.

