We have an extremely smart Red, White and Grey uniform
which our pupils are encouraged to wear with pride!
School Uniform
At Newberries we believe that wearing a uniform is an important part of school life. Children are expected to be neatly dressed and well presented for school at all times. As a school, we feel that wearing a uniform should be promoted and we appreciate parent’s support in this. Please find a clarification of our uniform requirements detailed below. Pupils may wear summer uniform from the beginning of the Summer Term if they prefer.
Winter Uniform (Autumn and Spring Term):
- Grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers
- White shirt and school tie
- Red Newberries School Jumper (order via Mapac)
Summer Uniform (Summer Term)
- Grey shorts
- Red and white gingham dress
- Plain white short-sleeved shirt (without a tie)
- Red Newberries School jumper (order via Mapac)
Optional – school coats and fleeces. These are for outdoor wear only.
Please ensure that your child has shoes that are appropriate to wear in class and at playtimes. These should be black to ensure the children look smart.
Socks and Tights
Socks or tights should be in keeping with our uniform (either grey or white socks / grey, white or red tights).
Jewellery should not be worn, with the exception of small studded earrings. Nail varnish and make-up should be removed for school.
We expect all children to have sensible and appropriate hairstyles for school. We discourage extreme fashions such as shaved patterns or overtly styled hair. Hair, if it is long enough, should be tied back for health and safety reasons. Only small, school appropriate hair bands / head bands in a school colour should be worn.
School Bags
We encourage children to use the school book bags, especially in reception and Years 1 and 2. These are more than adequate to hold the essentials and also help to ensure that our cloakroom areas remain safe and uncluttered.
PE Kits
- Black jogging bottoms or black shorts (no shorter than mid thigh length)
- Red Newberies Polo Short with logo
- Newberries School Jumper
- Or Grey 'Newberries' Hoodie (optional)
- Black trainers
Currently pupils are coming into school wearing their PE Kits on the days they have PE. We are keen to continue this as it has many benefits. It is important that children wear the correct PE uniform on these days to ensure that they remain consistently smart throughout the week.
Ordering Uniform
Our school uniform is available through the stockists Mapac. The School Office holds a sample of uniform for the purpose of checking sizes, as uniform is non-returnable once ordered.
Uniform can also be ordered over the telephone on 01923 255525. Please note that a delivery charge of £3.95 will be made on all orders under £50, free of charge for orders over £50.
Nearly New Uniform
We also have ‘nearly new’ uniform available.
Please contact the School Office if you would like more details of this.
Please ensure that all items of clothing and possessions are NAMED