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Welcome to Newberries Primary School

Play Together, Learn Together, Achieve Together, Grow Together

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Homework in Years 1 - 6 is set via Google Classroom. Completing learning tasks at home is exceptionally important. 


In line with our policy, Homework is organised as follows:

Homework Set - Weekly, every Friday (via Google Classroom)

Spelling Test - The Following Friday (in class)

Homework Due Date - The Following Friday (via Google Classroom


For Years 1 - 6, Newberries Homework includes the following activities:

Years 1 & 2

Years 3 - 6

Years 1 - 6

Daily Reading 

(books being sent home weekly)

Weekly Spellings 

(and Handwriting Practise)

Maths Fluency 

via Numbots

Daily Reading 

(books being sent home weekly)

Weekly Spellings 

(and Handwriting Practise)

Maths Fluency

via Times Table Rockstars

Optional Task

Your child’s class teacher will set one additional activity, focussing on a class topic each week 


For our youngest children:


Years R (Optional Tasks)

Reading Books 

(sent home weekly)


Phonic activities sheets will also be shared

‘WOW moments’

These can be shared with your child’s class teacher via Tapestry. ‘WOW moments’ are to capture moments at home e.g. art & craft activities, milestones, family trips or celebrations that relate to any learning at school.



Please note:

  • Teachers will provide feedback to work submitted via Google Classroom. 
  • If you need a copy of the relevant passwords to access your child's digital accounts, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

