Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
Week Ending 10/01/2025
Welcome back, Year 4! We hope everyone had a restful and joyful winter holiday. It has been wonderful to see the pupils return refreshed and eager to dive into the new term.
We have started the Spring term by launching into exciting new topics across all subjects. In English, we have been studying persuasive devices, learning how to craft compelling arguments and convincing points of view. In maths, the focus has returned to multiplication and division, continuing to build on our skills and tackle more complex calculations.
In Geography, we are exploring maps and grid references, developing our ability to read and navigate maps while learning about key geographical features. In Art, the pupils have begun studying landscapes, using famous works as inspirations for their own creative works.

Week Ending 06/12/2024
As we step into December the festive season has brought an extra buzz of excitement to year 4.
In Maths, we have been looking back at our previous topics, consolidating our learning in Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Area and Multiplication and Division. The pupils have worked hard to revisiting and strengthening these key skills. We have also been busy on Times Tables Rockstars, where the children have been competing and improving their recall speed.
In Science, our journey through the digestive system has continued with an interesting study of teeth. The pupils have been learning about the different types of teeth, Incisors, Canines, Premolars. Molars and their specific roles in chewing and breaking down food.

Week Ending 15/11/2024
This week in year 4 has been full of creativity, hard work and important life skills!
In English the pupils have been designing their own flying machines, producing unique and innovative designs. Alongside this they have been writing detailed sets of safety instructions using subordinating conjunctions. We have also updated our English display boards in the class room with their fantastic graphic novels adding a burst of colour.
In Maths the focus has been on mastering the times tables, this week the 3s, 6s and 9s. The pupils have been practicing with games and challenges to sharpen their recall and build confidence in multiplication.
A highlight of the week was our road safety workshop, where children learned essential pedestrian skills, including how to cross the road safely and navigate busy streets. It was a valuable session that help to reinforce the importance of staying alert and making safe choices near traffic.
We ended the week weaving colourful patterns using paper, creating vibrant designs. This activity has been a wonderful way to explore pattern and texture.

Week Ending 08/11/2024
As we return from half term with a chilly start, Year 4 has jumped straight into an exciting line-up of new topics! In English we have started reading ‘Rosie Revere, Engineer’; a wonderful story that is sparking curiosity and creativity as we dive in explanation texts. The children are exploring how to clearly explain processes and ideas.
In Maths, we have begun working on area, learning how to measure and compare the space within different shapes. The pupils have enjoyed the practical aspect of this topic using the interactive whiteboard in class.
In Science, our new topic on food and digestion has everyone intrigued. We have started by recapping key vocabulary such as Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore and exploring new classifications such as frugivore and insectivore. It has been a fantastic first week back filled with excitement as we explore these fresh topics.

Week Ending 04/10/2024
This week, Year 4 has successfully wrapped up their place value topic in Maths and moved onto addition and subtraction. The children are already showing great enthusiasm as they tackle the new challenge.
In English, we have been working on writing an alternative mission for Arthur, giving the pupils a chance to stretch their imaginations. As we continue this project, we are building towards creating our own graphic novel panels, combining storytelling and art to bring these exciting new adventures to life.
Week Ending 27/09/2024
This week in Year 4, our learning has taken us on some exciting new adventures! In Maths, we continued our learning on place value by exploring Roman numerals, learning how ancient number systems worked and translating Roman numerals to digits.
In English we have begun a captivating new topic on narratives, diving into a story set in the world of Old Norse mythology. The pupils have been gripped by the colourful characters and bizarre creatures that make this ancient world so magical.
Our Art lessons have also begun, with a focus on contrast and complement, we have been discussing colour theory and how different shade and tone can affect the mood of famous works of art.

Week Ending 20/09/2024
This week, Year 4 has continued to make fantastic progress as we dive deeper into our learning. In Maths, we have focused on mastering place value by working with number lines and partitioning numbers up to 10,000, helping us to build strong number sense.
In English we have had an exciting week as the children completed their own original poems. After thoughtful review and editing, the final versions are now ready to be displayed proudly in the classroom. Their creativity and effort have been tremendous, we cannot wait to share these poems with everyone.
Week Ending 13/09/2024
Welcome back and welcome to Year 4!
We hope you have all had a fantastic summer and are set for an exciting year ahead. It has been wonderful to see everyone settle in so well and dive into learning our first week back.
In Maths, we have been exploring place value, helping to strengthen our understanding of numbers and how they work. In English, we have had fun reading and discussing the poem ‘A Small Dragon’, exploring creative techniques and what a free verse poem is. Meanwhile, in History we have begun our journey into the invasions of Britain, discovering how different groups shaped the country we live in today.
It has been a great start and look forward to the coming weeks.
Week Ending 05/07/2024
This week in year 4, we have made figurines and statuettes. We made them using clay and wire to help keep it sturdy. We moulded a head, body and arms together. Then, we added details to the statuettes with clay tools. We made faces, fingers and designs for the clothes. After they had dried, we began to paint them. All of them have turned out successful and everyone created amazing designs.

Week Ending 21/06/2024
This week in year 4, we have been looking at statues and statuettes. We learned what the difference is between a statue and statuette is and the importance they had to ancient civilisations. We have had a go at sketching some and begun practising creating our own statuettes out of clay.

Week Ending 14/06/2024
This week in year 4, we have completed the first part of our Young leadership project. The class had to create a script, design posters, create slides and practise their lines for a phase assembly. I was so impressed to see great team working leadership and responsibility from everyone. The assembly was on looking after plants and wildlife. Each group spoke about a different sub-topic. The topics were, anti-littering, recycling, looking after plants and wildlife in school, looking after plants and wildlife at home and why the plants and wildlife need protecting.

Week Ending 07/06/2024
This week in year 4, we had our Egyptian workshops. First we learned about how Egypt was united by Egypt’s first pharaoh. We then learned about Ancient Egypt’s gods and goddesses and how Osiris became the first mummy. A lot of us got to pretend to be the different people and act out what was happening. After, we had a quiz about the Egyptians. After break, we learned how to decipher hieroglyphs and had to find objects in the classroom which was a cubit long. We then played an Egyptian board game. In the afternoon, we participated in mummifying a pharaoh and again got to act out different parts. Finally, we played some hunting games to simulate the hunting the Egyptians would have had to do. There was the javelin competition, fishing and the sneaking game. Overall, it was very fun and engaging. Plus we all learned a lot.

Week Ending 10/05/2024
This week in year 4, we have been partitioning decimals. We have done this by partitioning ones, tenths and hundredths as well as flexibly partitioning. To help we have used counters, place value charts and part whole models. We have also started to compare decimals.

Week Ending 26/04/2024
This week in year 4, we have been reading a book about Tutankhamun. We have investigated his death and using popular theories and investigations came up with our own opinions about how he died. We also looked at what the mummification process is and how it is done. We then created our own instructions using fronted adverbials and imperative verbs.
Week Ending 19/04/2024
We have started the young leadership award this week. We learned about what good leadership is and what a good leader should do. As a class, we said that communication and being supportive are the most important qualities. We then had the opportunity to put this into practise as we worked in groups to stack cups without touching the cups.

Week Ending 22/03/2024
This week, Year 4 and Year 3 performed their play three times. Everyone had worked incredibly hard up to this point and it showed during the performance. I was pleased to hear everyone singing the songs so magnificently and everyone made sure to help and support each other. It was great to see so many parents coming to watch and the class really enjoyed their time performing.

Week Ending 15/03/2024
This week in year 4, we have had a virtual science workshop for science week. It was on invertebrates and their life cycles which linked nicely to the science topic we had just completed. During the workshop, the children had to complete challenges on the life cycles of invertebrates. They learned a lot and they really enjoyed completing the challenges.

Week Ending 08/03/2024
This week in year 4, we have been celebrating world book day. We dressed up as either a character from a book or as ourselves in pyjamas. We also looked at and read the book ‘The girl and the dinosaur’ which is a story about a girl who loves dinosaurs and discovers a dinosaur fossil In the sand. That night, she falls asleep and travels to a mythical, magical island in the sky, by riding the dinosaur she discovered. We used this story to come up with ideas for our own magical island and created a persuasive advertisement for it.

Week Ending 01/03/2024
This week in year 4 for Science, we have been learning about the animal kingdom and how to classify them. We remembered what we had learned on the school trip about what vertebrates are and how they are grouped such as amphibians, reptiles, mammals, fish and birds. We then took a look at something new; invertebrates. We learned what they are, how they are different to vertebrates and the different groups they can be put in. After, we had a list of animals that we had to classify using pictures only.

Week Ending 16/02/2024
During the last couple of weeks, we went out on a day trip to the Tring natural history museum. Whilst at the museum, the children enjoyed looking at the many models of different creatures the museum offers, as well as attending a workshop on Classifying animals which fits in with our Science topic. The whole class were superbly behaved and gave us some very positive feedback about their experiences.
Week Ending 02/02/2024
This week in year 4, we have started our new science topic (Grouping and classifying). We have looked at what classifying is and why it is important. In order to get an idea as to how living things are classified, we played guess who whilst thinking about which questions are the best to ask in order to eliminate the most options. This is how scientists came up with the best questions to classify animals.

Week Ending 19/01/2024
This week in year 4, we have started a new topic in English based on persuasive writing. We have reminded ourselves of the persuasive techniques we learned last term, such as the power of three and rhetorical questions. We also created a postcard to some pirates, trying to convince them not to go. To make it persuasive, we used conjunctions to link ideas and reasoning.
Week Ending 12/01/2024
This week in year 4, we have started our new Geography topic: Misty Mountain, Winding River. We have begun this topic by looking at rivers and the journey they take from the source to the mouth. We learned that a river can be split into three parts. The upper course, middle course and lower course. We have also looked at an example, the river Trent.
Week Ending 08/12/2023
This week in year 4, we have begun learning about sound and how we can change the volume of sound and the pitch. We also investigated how the volume of sound changes over distance. We found out that the larger the distance, the quieter the sound gets. We also had our Christmas dinner this week. To prepare for it, we learned that we have Christmas jumper day to raise money for ‘Save the Children’ charity and we created some place mats using their logo.

Week Ending 01/12/2023
This week in year 4, we have started to develop our persuasive language in English. We began thinking about how Jemmy (the main character of our book) may be feeling when he was invited to travel with the strangers. We acted out a small snippet of this to help. Later on in the week, we practiced our persuasive techniques with some debates. This went incredibly well and each group came up with great ideas. We finished off the week by writing a persuasive letter to Jemmy Button to either go or not go with the strangers.

Week Ending 24/11/2023
This week in year 4, we have started a new book in English called Jemmy Button. We have begun to look at the setting of Tierra Del Fuego by founding out where it is, when it was discovered and learned about the native tribes that lived there. We have also been reading the first few pages and been making predictions of what may happen to Jemmy when the mysterious strangers arrive.
Week Ending 17/11/2023
This week in year 4, we have been planning and writing and adventure story. At the start of the week, we were thinking about verbs and we worked together in groups to organise verbs into moving quickly and moving slowly. Throughout the week, we created our main characters and created a planning table. Finally, we wrote up our stories in our books and some were able to type there’s up.

Week Ending 10/11/2023
This week in year 4, we have been learning about area in maths. We have learned that area is the space inside a closed 2D shape. We also learned how to count the squares to find the area, how to create a shape with a certain area and how to compare areas. We have also had an assembly this week on Remembrance Day and a minute's silence on Friday.
Week Ending 03/11/2023
This week in year 4, we have been finishing our Roman myths topic in English. So far we have read the mythical story of Aeneas and how he founded the first civilisation in Italy. Next, we read about Romulus and Remus. Overall, we learned that Roman myths contain, figurative language, the gods, a hero/heroine, conflict and dialogue. We used this to create our own Roman myth of a hero/heroine founding an Italian city.
Week Ending 13/10/2023
This week in year 4, we have been learning about teeth. We have found out how to protect our teeth and what may happen if would don’t look after them. At the end of the week, we started our investigation into different types of toothpaste and the protection they provide for our teeth. To do this we conducted an experiment where one egg has no toothpaste, one has non-fluoride toothpaste and the other has fluoride toothpaste. We then put them in vinegar overnight. We found that both types of toothpaste protected the egg but the Fluoride toothpaste protected the egg the best.

Week Ending 06/10/2023
This week in year 4, we have begun our new Science topic. We started by looking at ecosystems and what animals and plants live in these ecosystems. Then, we began to learn about food chains and food webs. Finally, we have started to learn about the human digestive system. We learned where the different organs can be found and what they do.

Week Ending 29/09/2023
This week in year 4, we have been learning about the Normans and the battle of Hastings. We have learned about why William the conqueror invaded England and how things changed after he invaded. We then created leaflets about the Normans and the battle of Hastings.
Week Ending 22/09/2023
This week in year 4, we have been learning about settings. We have been thinking of descriptions to use for various settings and thought which would be the most appropriate for our mythical creature we are going to write about. We also have been learning how to use conjunctions to justify our settings for our creatures. We have also had the jungle book performance this week, which all of year 4 enjoyed.
Week Ending 15/09/2023
This week we have begun learning about the Anglo-Saxons and why they invaded Britain. We also learned Sutton Hoo is an Anglo-Saxon burial site of King Rhaedwald in 625AD. In PSHE, we have been learning about teamwork and the roles people have in school. We looked in depth at what roles teachers have, the cleaners, the cooks, the head teachers and the pupils. We then created a poster displaying this.
Week Ending 08/09/2023
We have had a great first week to the year, we have written about what we have done over the holiday, practised our times tables, started learning Mama Mia in music and learned how to work as a team. We have also begun our History topic: Invasion. We have been creating a timeline for the invasion events in Britain between 410AD and 1066AD.

Week Ending 14/07/2023
This week in year 4, we have had our transition days with Mr Costi. During this, we created a transition booklet which contains information about our classroom and our new teacher. After that, we created our hands of trust and then finally we filed out a sheet with information about ourselves. In class, we have been learning about plugs and incandescent light bulb. We have learned how they are made and how they work.
Week Ending 07/07/2023
This week in year 4, we have writing explanation texts. To do this we have been using fronted adverbials of time to sequence, used conjunctions to link ideas and used prepositions, similes and expanded noun phrases to describe. On Friday, we practised creating expanded noun phrases by going outside and writing down the different nouns we could see. We then wrote down different adjectives to describe them. We then came in and used our notes to create expanded noun phrases in our books.

Week Ending 30/06/2023
This week in year 4, we have been creating display posters for the young leadership award. We have worked in groups and put information about the stalls and what prizes you can win. We have also been looking at shapes in maths. We have learned about the different types of triangles and quadrilaterals as well as learning what a polygon is.

Week Ending 23/06/2023
This week in year 4, we have been looking at riddles. We have looked at features a riddle needs and what makes a good riddle. To do this, we have analysed a few riddles and edited them to make the riddles better. Next, we planned our own riddles by thinking up clues we could use. Finally, we used our planning to create our own riddle. This is a topic the children have really enjoyed and some have had a chance to type their riddles up.
Week Ending 16/06/2023
This week in year 4, we have started our new computing topic, ‘Programming’. For this, we have looked at a program called Kodu, where you can manipulate what objects do by adding in a series of instructions, similar to writing code. After that, everyone has been working on scratch. We have learned how to create sprites and make them move. We have also looked at the importance of sequencing our code correctly.

Week Ending 09/06/2023
This week in year 4 we had the amazing Egyptian workshop. There was dramatic parts to watch and participate in. We did some hieroglyph code breaking and played some hunting themed games. Through the day, we learned how Upper and Lower Egypt became united, who the Egyptian gods were and what the Egyptian creation story was, and we learned that the Egyptian used cubits, palms and fingers to measure. Everyone enjoyed all the activities and had a great experience.

Week Ending 19/05/2023
This week in Year 4, we have been learning about Howard Carter and how he discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb. Using this, we have wrote a newspaper article about the discovery, wrote a diary entry as Howard Carter and created a warning poster using superlatives to help convince people not to enter a sealed tomb.
Week Ending 12/05/2023
In Year 4, for the King's coronation, we had a day full of activities. First, we wrote about the things we would do if we were King or Queen. Following that, we practised singing the coronation songs. In the afternoon, we created silhouette bunting to be displayed at the school. Finally, we went outside and used objects we could find to create coronation themed nature art.

Week Ending 28/04/2023
This week, we have had our sports workshops with Adrian Patrick. I was really impressed with the class’ effort and support of each other. The class completed sit ups, push ups, star jumps and jogging. We have also started our new History topic ‘Ancient civilisations’, where we have learned who the Sumerians are and why they settled in the fertile crescent.

Week Ending 21/04/2023
This week, we have started our new English book “The story of Tutankhamun. So far we have been practised creating questions to type into a browser to find information and used our retrieval skills to find information about Tutankhamun and Egyptian lifestyle. We then used this to create a spider diagram about the ancient Egyptians.
Week Ending 24/03/2023
This week, we have finished our science investigation. We were investigating how the temperature changes when ice melts. We set up the experiment with ice, a cup, a clock and a thermometer. We then observed it each 15 minutes and recorded what we saw and the temperature. We learned that the temperature should increase, however the results showed something different. We then discussed reasons why our results were incorrect. For example, the thermometer wasn’t allowed to cool enough first before we took the initial temperature.
Week Ending 17/03/2023
This week, we celebrated British science week. We completed an activity where the class had to create any type of bird out of paper. The children used different techniques such as cutting, drawing and using origami. Although it was tricky at first, the class showed great perseverance and created some amazing birds!

Week Ending 10/03/2023
This week, we have been having more play practise with year 3. We have practised reading the lines in classroom as well as singing the songs. Also, we have used the hall multiple times to practise stage directions, actions and line deliveries. We have also been on our school trip around the local community. I was really impressed with the ideas the class came up with to support and improve the area!

Week Ending 03/03/2023
This week, we have celebrated world book day. For this, we have been reading the Barnabus project. We have had completed a few activities linked to this book, such as creating story boards, maze maps and designed our very own creatures. Year 4 have enjoyed the book and activities. On world book day, we made book characters from wooden spoons and dressed in amazing costumes.

Week Ending 24/02/2023
This week, we started the young leadership award. For the first session we were learning what skills a good leader needs to have. We agreed that a good leader needs to be compassionate, listen to ideas, be inclusive and communicate well. We completed activities to help learn this, such as showing freeze frame of good and bad leadership plus completing a difficult cup challenge in groups. This was very enjoyable and we are looking forward to the next session!

Week Ending 10/02/2023
In maths this week, we have been learning how to calculate the perimeter of shapes. We’ve learned what perimeter is, how to calculate the perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes and how to find the missing lengths of rectilinear shapes. After half term, we will be looking at finding the perimeter of polygons then moving on to fractions.
Week Ending 03/02/2023
On the Friday of this week, we had Number day. To celebrate this we looked at why we have number day and who the NSPCC are. Following that, we completed a maths activity where we used our feet to measure objects in the classroom. We drew around our feet. Then, we decorated and cut them out. After that we started measuring. This taught the children how people in the past used to measure things as they would not have rulers or other measuring equipment.

Week Ending 27/01/2023
This week, we have been learning line dancing in PE. In the topic so far, we have learned three moves. These are strut, chasse and basic Charleston. We also learned how and why it is important for everyone to keep in synchronisation with each other. In small groups, we have now begun to create a routine using the 3 moves learnt. Next week, we will perform these to each other.

Week Ending 20/01/2023
This week, we have been learning about mountains in our geography topic. We have learned what mountains are and what the five types of mountains are. We then began to research different types of mountains, two from the UK and two from around the world. Some children presented their findings with a leaflet, poster, mind map or using bullet points.
Week Ending 13/01/2023
This week, we have started a new English topic on persuasion. We have looked at different persuasive techniques such as reasoning, being direct and rhetorical questions. Our main task was to write a persuasive postcard to some pirates. These pirates were about to go on a dangerous journey for treasure and we needed to convince them not to go. I was very impressed with the classes postcards!
Week Ending 16/12/2022
This week, we have been dramatically reading 'The Biscuit Bear'. We made sure to clearly use the fonts and punctuation to read fluently and to keep the story engaging. We have also been taking time in the afternoon to make the most of the snow. Some have been making snowmen, whilst others have been enjoying creating snow angels.

Week Ending 09/12/2022
This week, we have moved onto a new book called the biscuit bear. We have looked at what the book will be about and read the first half. Then, we began to write a diary entry for the biscuit bear. In this, we needed to show biscuit bears personality through his feelings, thoughts and actions.
Week Ending 02/12/2022
This week, we have been completing our art topic. We have been looking at the use of colours in paintings. We also learned about the different colour families such as analogous colours, cool colours, warm colours, tertiary colours and secondary colours. Finally, we created an art piece using the same colours as an art piece we analysed in a previous lesson.
Week Ending 25/11/2022
This week, we have completed a science experiment to find how fluoride protects our teeth. We covered an egg in fluoride toothpaste, an egg in non-fluoride toothpaste and we had one without any toothpaste. We then left them overnight in vinegar. Only the fluoride toothpaste egg was undamaged. The class had to use their observation skills and subject knowledge to find a conclusion.
Week Ending 18/11/2022
Today we had an anti-bullying workshop. In the session, we learned what bullying is and how to identify it. After that, we were taught what to do if you are being bullied. Finally, we learned what to do if you witness bullying. During the workshop, we had opportunities to act out scenarios and think about how people may be feeling and what they could to help.

Week Ending 11/11/2022
Today has been Remembrance Day. For Remembrance Day, we had an assembly where we learned why we have Remembrance Day and we did a minute silence at 11:00 to think about the bravery of the soldiers and the sacrifices they have made, fighting to protect our freedom.
Week Ending 04/11/2022
This week, we have been looking at the impact bullying has on a school and individuals. We listened to and discussed social stories, then came up with some ideas to help each other in the school. Finally, we worked in groups to create information posters about bullying.

Week Ending 21/10/2022
This week, we have had our school trip to Mountfichet castle. This was an enjoyable experience for all. We learned how the Normans and Anglo-Saxons lived. For example, they only bathed once a month and only during summer! The class mostly enjoyed the interactive exhibits such as the catapults. The next day, when we began learning about the Normans. I was so impressed with all the information they remembered.

Week Ending 14/10/2022
This week we have started our new maths topic ‘Addition and subtraction’. So far, we have learned how to add two 4-digit numbers with and without an exchange. We have also practiced using these skills in real life contexts in the mastery questions. Such as calculating the change you would be given from £2000 if you bought a laptop and a mobile phone.
Week Ending 7/10/2022
This week we have finished our English topic which was looking at poems. During this topic we have looked at two poems, ‘Overheard on a Saltmarsh’ and ‘A Small Dragon’. We had a go at acting these out and included dialogue. Finally, we have created our own creature poem following the same structure as ‘A Small Dragon’.

Blogs 2021-22
Week Ending 15/7/2022
This week we had our marvellous Egyptian day. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all. We had the opportunity to learn about the Gods and Goddesses of the Egyptians as well as about the various pharaohs and rulers of Egypt. We had the opportunity to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs and play an Egyptian board game. In the Afternoon, we learned about the mummification process and everyone had a chance to participate in this. Finally, we played some hunting themed games and we listened learned about an old Egyptian story.
In maths, we have finally finished our unit of position and direction. We have learned how two describe movement on a grid and follow instructions to move on a grid. In English, we have finished our biographies about Howard Carter. I was very impressed with the information used as well as the use of fronted adverbials.

Week Ending 8/7/2022
This week in English, we have been learning about Howard Carters final years and have now finished the book. To finish the book/unit we are going to be writing a Biography about Howard Carter. First, we bullet pointed information as our plans. Next, we have begun to write the biography. Next week, we will finish our biographies.
This week in Maths we have finished off the Symmetry unit. We learned how draw reflections of patterns and shapes. Then, we moved on to our new and final unit of the year, position and direction. So far, we have learned what coordinates are, how to find them and plot where points are on a graph using coordinates.
In Topic, we have finished the Egyptians and begun to learn about the Indus Valley civilisation. We have learned when the civilisation was around and compared it to the Egyptians and Sumerians. We also learned that the Indus Valley civilisation developed in north-west India and Pakistan next to the Indus River.
Week Ending 1/7/2022
This week in maths we have continued our topic of shapes. We have revised the different types of shapes and how they are different. We have investigated in more detail about triangles and the different types of triangles. We have followed that up with looking at quadrilaterals.
In English, we have practised using a consistent tense throughout our work. We have also looked into creating a diary for our main character and using expanded noun phrases to describe the artifacts in Tutankhamun’s tomb.
During History, we have finished the Sumerian sub-topic. We have learned about the Sumerian inventions, what their cities were like and about the worlds first emperor Sargon the great.
Week Ending 17/6/2022
This week in maths, we have started the new topic ‘shape’. We have been looking at angles and the different types of angles. We can now name and identify right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles. We have also been doing a lot of times table practice in school to prepare for the times table test next week.
In English, we have been learning how to write a non-chronological report. To make this as interesting and organised we have used conjunctions to link ideas and sub headings to label each section. At the end of the week, we created a set of instructions for mummification. We used fronted adverbials of time to sequence and imperative verbs to give precise instructions.
During History, we have been learning more about the ancient Sumerians and why they became the first civilisation. We have mead links from the topography of the land and their inventions to help us understand this.
Week Ending 10/6/2022
This week in maths, we have been looking at the new topic which statistics. We have looked at line and bar graphs and been answering questions about the data. In English we have been learning about prefixes and how they change words. Following that, we have been starting our new class book ‘The story of Tutankhamen’ which links well to our new history topic. We have learned about Tutankhamen’s family tree and about his early life. We have also been able to write notes about what we have learned and create viewpoints with reasoning.
In History we have started the new topic ‘ancient civilisations’. We found some pictures and created posters for our display board about the ancient Egyptians (Which is an ancient civilisation). At the end of the week we have learned about ancient Sumer and where the civilisation came from and at what time periods they were around for.
Week Ending 26/5/2022
This week in maths, we have been finishing off the tine topic by learning how to convert between digital and analogue as well as how to convert between 24hr and 12hr clocks. In English we finished off our stories of the journey to the place between. Everyone was proud of their work and had used great descriptive language.
In science this week, we finished the lessons by looking at the plant kingdom. We were able to organise the plants into vascular and non-vascular then we were able to organise the vascular plants into flowering, cone bearing and spore bearing plants.
Year 4 also had a Computing workshop on Monday where they learned about networking, electronic signals and the importance of using a strong password.
Finally today, we have had our Jubilee activity day. In the morning we worked on Jubilee themed art and crafts activities. In the afternoon we had more active Jubilee themed activities.
Week Ending 20/5/2022
This week in maths, we have worked on subtracting and adding money as well as calculating change. In English, we have being looking at the magical tone of the class book and how it is conveyed. We have then thought of magical words which we can use to describe the different scenes in the book. We used these to create a short poem.
We finished our art topic this week by creating tiles inspired by Islamic art. To do this we used clay. We had to roll the clay flat, then cut geometrical shapes into it. Finally, we painted them.
Week Ending 13/5/2022
This week in maths, we have worked on subtracting and adding money as well as calculating change. In English, we have being looking at the magical tone of the class book and how it is conveyed. We have then thought of magical words which we can use to describe the different scenes in the book. We used these to create a short poem.
We finished our art topic this week by creating tiles inspired by Islamic art. To do this we used clay. We had to roll the clay flat, then cut geometrical shapes into it. Finally, we painted them.
Week Ending 6/5/2022
This week in year 4 we have made a start on our new maths topic ‘money’. We have recapped our knowledge of the values of money and learned how to count money. In English this week, we have used our persuasive writing skills to create a persuasive speech. The intent of the speech was to convince the main character in our topic’s book to either enter the magical box or to reconsider entering.
In art, we have progressed further with Islamic art. We have created motifs and practiced combining these together to make patterns. We have now also created a star pattern using fabrics.
Week Ending 29/4/2022
This week in year 4 we have been progressing further with decimals. We have looked at how to write decimals correctly and how to compare decimals. In English this week, we have been practicing making a story from a picture prompt. First we looked at a picture then though about questions we could ask. From this, we made up our answers to the questions and used this as our planning. We then used this planning to make a story.
This week we have started a new computer topic ‘Audio and photo editing’. So far, we have looked at how to record and play audio and how to crop digital images.
Week Ending 22/4/2022
We have had a great start to the Summer Term this week in Year 4 and have come back eager and ready to learn. In maths this week we have been progressing further with our decimal unit. We have looked at how to write decimals correctly and how to compare decimals.
In English, we have been practising making a story from a picture prompt. First we looked at a picture then thought about questions we could ask. From this, we made up our answers to the questions and used this as our planning. We then used this planning to make a story.
In art, we have looked at Islamic art. We have looked at making symmetrical patterns using multiple shapes. We used different techniques such as tracing around shapes or copying patterns that we created using physical shapes.
Week Ending 1/4/2022
This week in English, we have been looking at shape poems. We have looked at different types of shape poems and their features. At the end of the week, we have been planning and making our own shape poems.
In RE this week, we have been looking at Holy week and Easter. We have learned about the sequence of events and why it is important to Christians.
Week Ending 25/3/2022
This week in maths, have been looking at hundredths and how we can represent them. We have also looked at dividing 2 or 1-digit numbers by 100.
This week, we have had a science workshop which the class enjoyed. We looked at making rockets using plastic film containers and Berocca as well as how hair dryers can create a counter-acting force on a ping pong ball to keep it levitating.
In English this week, we have finished off our newspaper articles and typed them up.
Week Ending 18/3/2022
This week in maths, we have started working on decimals. We have looked at how they are connected to fractions and finally we have looked at dividing 1-digit numbers by 10.
In English, we have been working on newspaper articles. We have found the key features and started planning our own. Next week, we will be writing them.
In science, we have been looking at states of matter. We have learned about liquids, gasses and solids and how they are all different.
Week Ending 4/3/2022
This week in maths we have been looking at finding fractions of quantities. We have also looked at how to problem solve.
In English this week, we have been looking at riddles. The class were very excited to learn about these and share some of their own. Next week we will creating our own.
This week, we also had world book day. I so impressed with the effort of the class to dress up and everyone was excited for the day. We had a chance to decorate potatoes, create a blurb and create a book mark with an explanation of what reading is to each of them.

Week Ending 25/2/2022
This week we carried on with fractions in maths. We have worked more with equivalent fractions by representing them in different ways. By the end of the week, we have started looking at fractions greater than 1.
In English, we have started work on creating a diary for a main character of a book. We have reminded ourselves about the diary features from last week and created a story board to plan our new story.
Finally, in art this week we have looked at French artist Henri Rousseau. He is famous for his rainforest paintings. We first looked at some of his pictures and thought about what he includes in his paintings. We finally had a go at making a first draft of a rainforest drawing in his art style.
Week Ending 11/2/2022
This week we carried on with fractions in maths. We have worked more with equivalent fractions by representing them in different ways. By the end of the week, we have started looking at fractions greater than 1.
In English, we have started work on creating a diary for a main character of a book. We have reminded ourselves about the diary features from last week and created a story board to plan our new story.
Finally, in art this week we have looked at French artist Henri Rousseau. He is famous for his rainforest paintings. We first looked at some of his pictures and thought about what he includes in his paintings. We finally had a go at making a first draft of a rainforest drawing in his art style.
Week Ending 4/2/2022
This week we have started the new maths topic Fractions. We have learned about equivalent fractions and about tenths. We have started a new geography topic this week ‘Rainforests and Rivers’. We have practiced identifying where rivers are in the UK and the main features of rivers.
For English this week, we have been working on diary writing. During Thursday’s and today’s lessons, we created a diary entry about last weekend.
Week Ending 28/1/2022
This week we have been working on making a poem for English. We have looked at items which are mundane and precious and used expanded noun phrases and similes to describe them.
In maths we have been working on a new topic, area. We have looked how to compare area and how to work out area by counting squares inside the shape.
In Art this week, we have been looking at how to use contour lines in shading. The class created some great drawings with fabulous patterns.
Week Ending 21/1/2022
This week we have been working on multiplying and dividing a 2/3-digit number by 1 digit number. We have used counters, partitioning and written methods to support us with this.
In English we have done more work with the book Jemmy Button. We have finished writing a persuasive letter to Jemmy on whether or not he should go with the strangers.
In PSHE we were looking at our goals and dreams and finial in D and T we looked into making the circuits for our torches.
Week Ending 14/1/2022
This week, we have been progressing through our times tables in maths. We have worked on multiplying and dividing by 9 as well as starting the 7 times table. To help we our times tables we have been watch Percy Parker videos on Youtube. Each video is a catchy song to learn the timetables. The class have enjoyed watching these during maths fluency.
In English we have begun to write our story. The story will be a sequel to the biscuit bear which we have been reading. I look forward to reading these when they are finished.
For PSHE we have been looking into bullying. We have thought about reasons why someone might bully someone, how the bullied person might feel and what bystanders are thinking. We then created posters, in groups to show this. I was really impressed on how well each person worked in their groups.

Week Ending 10/12/2021
This week, we have been progressing through our times tables in maths. We have worked on multiplying and dividing by 9 as well as starting the 7 times table. To help we our times tables we have been watch Percy Parker videos on Youtube. Each video is a catchy song to learn the timetables. The class have enjoyed watching these during maths fluency.
In English we have begun to write our story. The story will be a sequel to the biscuit bear which we have been reading. I look forward to reading these when they are finished.
For PSHE we have been looking into bullying. We have thought about reasons why someone might bully someone, how the bullied person might feel and what bystanders are thinking. We then created posters, in groups to show this. I was really impressed on how well each person worked in their groups.

Week Ending 3/12/2021
AS it has been assessment week, we have completed assessments for English, Maths and Reading. I was very impressed on how well everyone worked on their assessments and how they persevered past tricky questions.
For English this week, we looked at conjunctions and practiced performing a selection of pages from the Book ‘Biscuit Bear’.
In Maths, we have been looking at times tables and division facts in the 3 times table and 6 times table.
Week Ending 26/11/2021
This week we have started our new book in English called Biscuit Bear. We have looked at how to incorporate feelings into our writing through diary entries of different characters.
In maths we have moved onto looking at what happens when you times by 1 and 0 and what happens when you divide by 1 and by itself.
For D&T we are carrying on with the torch making by drawing a design for it. We watched video about different designs of torches and worked in pairs to draw a design of one we can make.
Week Ending 19/11/2021
This week we have had more enrichment involving an anti-bullying workshop on Thursday and children in need day on Friday.
For Maths, we have finished length and perimeter and moved onto multiplication and division. We have learned how to times by 10 and 100.
For English, we have finished off our topic this week on persuasive speech writing. Everyone did really well using the skills they learned during the debate session last week to help with writing the counter-argument speech.
The anti-bullying workshop involved a lot of fun games and activities which helped imbed the themes of anti-bullying week.
Finally, we have started our new D&T topic which is about designing and creating torches. This links back to the electricity lessons we did earlier.
Week Ending 12/11/2021
This week we have had a busy week involving an enrichment activity for Diwali and Remembrance Day assembly and activities.
In Maths, we have moved onto the perimeter part now, we can measure the perimeter using rulers and string, using a grid and adding together known lengths.
In English, we have delved further in persuasive writing and had a go at debating to help for next week’s work.
We all enjoyed the Diwali workshop which was delivered by Mrs Gadhia. We learned about why it is important and how it is celebrated.
Finally, for Remembrance Day, we each created a poppy which was placed on the fence. We also created some silhouette art. Everyone’s piece was amazing and we all enjoyed it.
Week Ending 1/10/2021
At the start of this week we celebrated European day of languages. We learned about why there are many different languages and why some are similar and some are a very different. Also, we learned about each other’s heritage and how many languages we can speak. That day in maths, we created bar charts to represent how many languages everyone can speak in year 4.
During the rest of the week, we have been learning about negative numbers and roman numerals in maths. In English we have had a writing task to see what writing techniques we can use and have also started our new book Arthur and the Golden rope by Joe Stanton.
We have now finished our first Topic, Ancient Greece. We finished this topic by doing individual research on a chosen philosopher/scholar and then designing a web page for them. This went really well and the whole class produced some great information and designs.

Week Ending 24/09/2021
This week in maths, we have been working on comparing 4 digit numbers. We have been comparing numbers to find which the largest and smallest. We also used this knowledge to help us order sets of numbers by size. In English this week, we have finished the book journey. We ended on writing and editing a continuation of the story of this book. The results of this were amazing and I was so impressed with everyone’s hard work.
Today in art, we designed our Greek mythical creatures that we are going make with clay

Week Ending 17/09/2021
This week we have been continuing with place value in maths. We have delved into partitioning and understanding the values of 1000s, 100s, 10s, and 1s. During English we have been working hard on our sentence structure to describe colours, objects and feelings. We also created lanterns (which were all magnificent) and attached a flame with our hopes and aspirations for this year.
Today in art, we looked at the different uses for clay and how to mould it. This will lead to creating mythical creatures with clay.
Week Ending 10/09/2021
This week we have started to settle into the year 4 routines. The whole class have made great progress in Maths and English. We have begun to understand place value and rounding in maths. In English we have used our imagination to conjure up our own narrative for the book ‘Journey’ (which is a book without words and only pictures.) and used our inferring skills to know what the book is about and what the characters might be thinking.
Our first topic is the ancient Greeks. We have begun to learn about the different Greek civilisations during this time and to get an understanding of the time when they were around. This has been linked to art where we are learning how to create mythical creatures. We have practiced drawing a Minotaur this week.